Error 404 with my CodeIgniter project, xammp, apache,manjaro

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Error 404 with my CodeIgniter project, xammp, apache,manjaro

Postby esle » 18. October 2019 14:32

Hello Apachefriends community!
This is my first post so please correct me if anything is wrong I'm having some troubles accessing my local project through lammp this a project using codeIgniter php Framework.

First let me say that this is working with no problems in my windows partition but here in Manjaro seems not to work and I dont know why :pensive:

The error I'm getting is 404 Error page not found problems is when I tried to access to localhost/myproject url.

When I setup my lampp everything works fine, my apache and SQL are running without a problem.

Even tried to change some values in the .htaccess file in my project root folder, application/config/config.php, database.php and route.php with no success I'm always come back to the 404 error page not found.

Right now I decided to delete everything and I think is clean from any packages to install anything from the beginning if necessary.

What I have done so far:

    Give proper permissions to my users, root, etc
    Look in these forums with any solution including with keywords lampp, xampp, codeIgniter
    Installed with this tutorial: and mysql,php and apache are working fine.
    Followed this tutorial aswell Install Apache, MariaDB, PHP (LAMP) 2016 and mysql,php and apache are working fine.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Posts: 2
Joined: 18. October 2019 14:29
XAMPP version: 7.3.0
Operating System: Manjaro gnome

Re: Error 404 with my CodeIgniter project, xammp, apache,man

Postby esle » 22. October 2019 23:51

I'll upload this little project we did in class so anyone can check this out and check the proper configuration files, as I said this is working on my windows partition but not on my linux environment.
Posts: 2
Joined: 18. October 2019 14:29
XAMPP version: 7.3.0
Operating System: Manjaro gnome

Re: Error 404 with my CodeIgniter project, xammp, apache,man

Postby Nobbie » 23. October 2019 12:23

I does not work on my Linux either. Same Error 404. I checked config.php, i tried to move it a level higher (to /opt/lampp/htdocs) and changed the URL to http://localhost/ in config.php. Still Error 404. As this is not an CodeIgniter Forum, you should contact CodeIgniter and tell them about this bug. Maybe there is a problem with the slash instead of backslash, maybe there is a permission problem, maybe there is a problem with PHP 7.3 - i dont know. I does not run with Linux Xampp.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

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