Running Interbase in XAMPP's PHP

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Running Interbase in XAMPP's PHP

Postby Brian Layman » 04. April 2007 22:50

Hi, I'm in a bit of a spot and I was wondering if any one can help me out here. I need to add Interbase support to a PHP server. I've got the latest XXAMP running. Uncommenting the PHP_Interbase.dll line in php.ini doesn't seem to do it.

Do I have to get the PHP source and recompile?

I'll do the recompile if I must but I'd rather not add one more variable to the the situation. Any help or links would be appreciated.

A thread about adding postgresql said the xampp developers kit was needed. Is that true?

Thanks for any help you can provide!

edit: Oh, and this is actually a WAMPP server...but I guess that was obvious due to the topic. But I THOUGHT the windows PHP servers could handle the addition of extensions without a problem. That just doesn't seem to be the case.
Brian Layman
Brian Layman
Posts: 2
Joined: 04. April 2007 22:44

Postby Wiedmann » 04. April 2007 22:57

Uncommenting the PHP_Interbase.dll line in php.ini doesn't seem to do it.

Why not?
(Maybe you have used the wrong "php.ini"?)
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Postby Brian Layman » 05. April 2007 01:06

Yeah, that was it. I saw a post for another apache bundle that said to copy php.ini to windows, and I thought "Well, if some systems look for it in Windows, maybe XAMPP isn't looking for it in the PHP directory either. Having the PHP.INI file in the PHP directory made sense as that was the first place I looked and there it was...

PHPInfo() proved that was not the one being used.

Sure enough, once I edited the php.ini file in the apache/bin directory, it worked.

I didn't even look in the bin folder. bin is BINARY, not TEXT! I guess it has to be there because that's where the dll is?

Ah, well. Now I know. But how to get this head shaped dent out of my desk...

Thanks for replying!
Brian Layman
Brian Layman
Posts: 2
Joined: 04. April 2007 22:44

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