Busy…Apache started

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Busy…Apache started

Postby Mikey3D » 12. March 2007 13:59

Hi Programmers,

Problem: XAMPP apache is busy every time when press start.

Apache started
Apache started
It happens forever the same result.

I had working fine in 2 week ago for 2 days. But when I’m in XAMPP control panel application, presses start button of Apache and it keep saying, “Busy…Apache started.” It had been doing all day yesterday and not sure why is it not working?

I have checked in folder C:\Program Files\xampp, double clicked the file apache_start.bat, its say:

Apache 2 is starting…
APACHE.EXE: Syntax error on line 42 of C:/Program Files/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.
conf: ServerRoot must be a valid directory

Apache could not be started
Press any key to continue…

So I opened the file C:/Program Files/xampp/apache/conf/httpd and looking the line 42 for error. The line 42 is ServerRoot "/xampp/apache" and I don’t know what is wrong with this statement?

I have uninstalling and install XAMPP again with same result.

I have checked the file xampp-portcheck.exe:


Apache (HTTP) – 80 – free
Apache (WebDAV) – 81 – free
Apache (HTTPS) – 443 – free

MySQL – 3306 – free

FileZilla (FTP) – 21 – free
FileZilla (Admin) – 14147 – free

Mercury (SMTP) – 25 – free
Mercury (POP3) – 110 – free
Mercury (IMAP) – 143 – free

What can I do to resolve this problem?

Thank you!
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Joined: 12. March 2007 13:39

Postby Sean-Michael » 12. March 2007 19:15

I've had this problem but it is usually when I have changed a setting incorrectly, have you made any recent changes to httpd.conf or similar files?
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Postby Mikey3D » 13. March 2007 00:55

Thank you for responds, Sean Michael.

I have never change any files. I only did downloaded ADDON xampp-win32-perl-addon-5.8.8-2.2.4-installer. So I don’t know if ADDON causing change the files?

After I have the problem with “Busy…Apache started” for two days, I uninstalled and install xampp-win32-1.6.0-installer. It should be clean slate. But it does not work.

What can I do?

Thank you,

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Joined: 12. March 2007 13:39

Postby Mikey3D » 14. March 2007 02:01

Hi Technical,

Why is it no one can help my problem with XAMPP? Does it take 24hrs to figure that out? I hope not.

What is the purpose we have the forum?


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Postby Sean-Michael » 14. March 2007 21:18

I'm looking threw the forum rite now as I write this to find the solution to your problem.

As I look threw the messages can I ask a few things, by chance are you starting xampp-control threw a shortcut on your desktop, and did you install apache as a service? Also what method did you use for re~installing, I used 7-zip, this makes updating/installing different.

Also you said that you used the uninstaller, when reinstalling did you ake sure all files where removed during re installation, often files are left during the un install process, making it a not so clean install.

Sorry for my late reply, personally I am a busy parent with 2 children, soon 3 and takes me a little time to reply. Besides, you forgot to send the check' :wink:
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Postby Sean-Michael » 14. March 2007 21:30

Is your Apache error log telling you anything useful?

/xampp/apache/log/error log file

Look to the bottom.
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Postby Sean-Michael » 14. March 2007 21:41

Shoot, maybe it was there in fromt of my face all along but maybe not, in your first post you state on line 42, ServerRoot "/xampp/apache", this is not correct, a valid Serverroot is something like ServerRoot "C:/xampp/apache", you might need to run "C:/xampp/setup_xampp.bat" to update these paths.

That fix it?
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Postby Mikey3D » 15. March 2007 05:01

Hi Sean Michael,

“are you starting xampp-control threw a shortcut on your desktop…”

Yes, I have.

“did you install apache as a service”

No, I have not. Apache come with Installer.

“what method did you use for re~installing, I used 7-zip, this makes updating/installing different.”

I double clicked xampp-win32-1.6.0a-installer from 30MB to reinstalling, no used of 7-zip or winzip.

“Also you said that you used the uninstaller, when reinstalling did you ake sure all files where removed during re installation, often files are left during the un install process, making it a not so clean install.”

I used Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs to remove XAMPP. How do I make sure all the files are remove?

“Is your Apache error log telling you anything useful? /xampp/apache/log/error log file”

I opened error.log with notepad and I see nothing, blank.

“Shoot, maybe it was there in fromt of my face all along but maybe not, in your first post you state on line 42, ServerRoot "/xampp/apache", this is not correct, a valid Serverroot is something like ServerRoot "C:/xampp/apache", you might need to run "C:/xampp/setup_xampp.bat" to update these paths.”

I double clicked setup_xampp.bat and it said invalid. I can’t do anything. I have trying edit the ServerRoot “C:/xampp/apache” but still it does not work.

I’m frustrated and I did something that work. :-) Uninstall from control panel and double clicked xampp-win32-1.6.0a-installer and I changed the folder C:\Localhost instead of default folder C:\Program Files. IT WORKS! Why is that C:\Program Files does not work? How do I clean slate XAMPP files in C:\Program Files?

I just looking in C:/Localhost/xampp/apache/conf/httpd and it is ServerRoot "C:/Localhost/xampp/apache"

But in C:/Program Files/xampp/apache/conf/httpd and it is ServerRoot "/xampp/apache" – I can’t possible change when uninstall and install again.

Is it possible that folder C:\Program Files ever use again? How?


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Postby Sean-Michael » 15. March 2007 07:33

I'm glad to hear that you got your server working, from what you describe I think there are remaining files that have been left when uninstalling from control panel as you described. The add on could be causing the problem... but I do not know.

Anyway what I would do is goto "C:\Program Files" and find the xampp folder, if its there see what files are in it, delete and try to install fresh.

I have always used the 7~zip packages and had little problems, unless I screw something up myself' :oops:

I also found that using a shortcut to open the xampp-control panel made it where the apache server would not start but manually going to and opening the control panel worked' but thats with the 7~zip packages, not sure if it would be the same for you.
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