Apache service not started [-1]

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Apache service not started [-1]

Postby haslamjd » 08. March 2007 20:02

I just un-installed a similar product called sokkit. I dropped it because it wouldn't support upgraded phpMyAdmin versions. It ran wonderfully for me, except for the phpMyAdmin issue. So, after hearing rave reviews about Xampp, I removed it from my system using the add/remove programs in contol panel, and ran a registery cleaner to get any left-overs out. Rebooted and found no traces of it remaining anywhere.

I downloaded the self loading Windows version of Xampp, and ran the installer. Everything looked/ran great until the control panel appeared. Apache was not started, yet MySQL was. I stopped MySQL, and tried to restart Apache. Nothing -- but the error I got back and have listed in the title of my topic. I read everything I could find, searched this forum and others for similar issues to mine. Trid some things they suggested in prior posts...nothing. I stopped McAfee anti-virus, my firewall, then both at the same time, I checked the ports being used with the xampp port checker (all ports were free), looked at the ports being used by using the comman window, no http or https were found being used anywhere. Changed the listening port 80 to 8080 in the Apache config file...nothing.

I don't know what else to try. Everyone seemed so excited about Xampp and raved about how easy it is to get up and working. I am not finding that same success. Any thoughts?

(Running Windows XP home, Dell box, 2 GIG Ram, 3.0 Ghz processor. )

Thanks for your help...anyone!
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Postby Wiedmann » 08. March 2007 20:31

Apache was not started,

Why not?
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Postby haslamjd » 08. March 2007 21:46

Wiedmann wrote:
Apache was not started,

Why not?

Well, that was my question now wasn't it. No matter what I do it, it doesn't start running. When I use the control panel, and say to start, below in the window of the control panel is says: busy.. then next link it says: "Apache server not started l-1]." That is the only feedback it gives me.

When I use the command panel to open a Dos session, and I go to the apache directory and give the start command there using apache -k start and restart. And the prompt comes back with the directory, but doesn't say it started or crashed or went to Jamaica. Every other aspect of Xampp works but the Apache server. As you read above, I have stopped everything I could find in forums. blogs and help sites and nothing allows this to run.
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Postby Wiedmann » 08. March 2007 22:52

Well, that was my question now wasn't it.

One hint:
I can't read your Windows event log or Apaches "error.log"...
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Postby haslamjd » 09. March 2007 02:50

Wiedmann wrote:
Well, that was my question now wasn't it.

One hint:
I can't read your Windows event log or Apaches "error.log"...

I am not able to make heads or sense of them myself. Nothing addresses Apache, Xampp that I know to tell. MySQL is in there as I tried starting and stopping it, but nothing on Apache. So, I can do much better than this to get you information to help you. Perhaps if you are willing, you could guide me to what you might need or what I should be looking for. Sorry I'm not of much use, that is why I joined to see if someone could help me with this.

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Postby haslamjd » 09. March 2007 03:04

haslamjd wrote:I am not able to make heads or sense of them myself. Nothing addresses Apache, Xampp

Thanks Wiedmann, I am hoping that you got me thinking in the right direction finally.

Okay, So I went back and tried to start Apache again from the Xampp control console several times, each one failed. So then I immediately went to view the system logs and read the last few entries. This is what they said:

"The Apache2 service failed to start due to the following error:
The system cannot find the path specified. "

So, somewhere the path is set wrong I'm assuming. Funny, as I used nothing but the default install settings. Anyway, can/would someone please be willing to help me out with this issue, one who is both familiar with Xampp, and can tell me where/how to fix this path issue the sys logs talk about?

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Same Exact Problem

Postby jisoros » 09. March 2007 08:34

I installed XAMPP on 3 different machines. The first 2 times went beautifully. But on my Toshiba Laptop running Windows XP Media Center edition MYSQL runs and so does all the other services but NOT Apache. Skype is not installed, The Firewall is not an issue, I don't have llS running.

So in a desperate pinch to get my work done I installed WAMP, and it works! Apache actually runs! I even installed Wordpress, and its working fine.

But I like XAMPP so much better than WAMP, and I'm a stickler for consistency. I want all my machines running the same programs. So I really want this "Apache not started" XAMPP glitch fixed.

So, dude you are not alone with this Apache Glitch phenomenon.

Now we just need the answer gods to bestow upon us an enlightened blessing.
Last edited by jisoros on 09. March 2007 20:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Wiedmann » 09. March 2007 11:14

"The Apache2 service failed to start due to the following error:
The system cannot find the path specified. "

You can start Apache with the batchfile?
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Postby jisoros » 09. March 2007 20:31

Batchfile? How do I do that? Can you provide instructions?
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Postby WorldDrknss » 10. March 2007 11:07

To run the batch file go to your xampp directory and double click on apache_start.bat.

Default Installation:
C:\Program Files\xampp\apache_start.bat

To uninstall and reinstall the Apache Service
(Recommended since the Apache2 service is most likely still pointing to sokkit's apache path)

1. XAMPP Control Panel -> untick then retick the check box next to Apache.
2. Start -> Run -> cmd -> OK then type sc delete Apache2 then type cd C:\Program Files\xampp\apache\bin -> enter then type httpd -k install.
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Postby haslamjd » 10. March 2007 14:28

Okay, I finally got this working. Since I hate posts where the person needing help runs away after it works and never tells the ending of his/her story, Here is what I found out.

Because I ran Sokkit some time ago (similar to xampp, but older versions of programs) , there were remnants of Apache left over in the registry from that installation. First clue was when I got the message from the events log telling me the path was wrong. Second clue was when I tried to bypass the xampp control panel and start Apache straight from its directory in a command window -- and it failed (Command window: Start>Run type "cmd" and then navigate to the Apache directory using DOS commands, then start Apache according to the Apache web site directives). So I tried to start Apache a few times in succession (each failing) and then I checked the events logs again. Same thing...wrong path. (Events path: go to Start>All Programs>Administrative Tools>Event Viewer and then double click System in the left menu and then view the properties of the listed items on the right.)

Thinking that the program, or some other control device, was seeing something besides what it should be, I dove into the registry -- half-heartedly of course (I went to Start>Run then type "regedit" then I ran a search of the registry of Apache using the Find feature in the top menu). I was sent to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services, and this is where I found the culprits.

So, in the registry under Services I found two version entries for the Apache server. One was Apache2 the other Apache2.2. The first showed it was from the original Sokkit install in the path info (even though I ran a registry cleaner after uninstalling Sokkit), the second was from the xampp install. Next, I uninstalled xampp and returned to the registry. Both were still there. I backed up the registry, then I deleted both entries and rebooted (Note -- Delete at your own risk and only after you have made a recent and reliable backup of your working registry.) I again checked the registry and they both were indeed still gone. I then reinstalled xampp and now it works like a charm.

So, if you have ever installed Apache before, and removed it from your machine -- and even used a reliable registry cleaner -- still check the registry for lingering remnants of prior installations if you get the message in the title of this thread. I may have gotten lucky, but it worked for me.

I really hope that this helps someone get your system up and going, or at least gets you thinking about this problem in a different way. Oh, and thanks to those who took the time to offer those cryptic responses. I guess they helped in the long run, but of course only after one spends hours of time trying to decipher and Google what on Earth you might be saying. (Too bad you felt that you couldn't spare a little more time to share some of your in-depth knowledge and offer direction in helping to solve this problem -- especially during a time of panic and frustration. However, my hat is off to you, thank you for at least offering something.)
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