htaccess problem

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htaccess problem

Postby noobish » 26. January 2007 19:07


i have got a problem using htaccess files with pw. you see i have a .htaccess file placed under xampp\htdocs\www\protected\
and it is like this:

htaccess wrote:AuthName "Restricted Area"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile F:/password/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
require valid-user

the .htpasswd file is in F:\password\

when i go to the protective place it tells me to write suername and pw but it dont work... :( just retype and retype it but it wont let me in! :(

i used this to make the .htaccess files!
Last edited by noobish on 26. January 2007 20:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Wiedmann » 26. January 2007 19:55

AuthUserFile F:/password/.htpasswd

the .htpsswd file is in F:\password\

In your config you have used ".htpasswd" and not ".htpsswd". Rename your file or change the config.

i used this to make the .htaccess files!

Apache have a fine tool "htpasswd" for making and maintaining password files. Use this, which makes no errors, instead of something else.
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Postby noobish » 26. January 2007 20:11

Wiedmann wrote:
AuthUserFile F:/password/.htpasswd

the .htpsswd file is in F:\password\

In your config you have used ".htpasswd" and not ".htpsswd". Rename your file or change the config.

i used this to make the .htaccess files!

Apache have a fine tool "htpasswd" for making and maintaining password files. Use this, which makes no errors, instead of something else.

sorry i wrote it wrong here on the forum but it is corret in the files.

how do i use this intigrated htaccess tool?

i am wondering if maybe it restricted by default to not use .htaccess files in htdocs and sub directories?
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Postby noobish » 26. January 2007 20:15

i get up the login but when i type the corret user and pw i just get the login pop up again and again.. hmmm
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Postby Wiedmann » 26. January 2007 21:21

how do i use this intigrated htaccess tool?
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A solution to the .htaccess problem

Postby ewm » 29. January 2007 16:44

xampp on windows xp

The following works!

The .htaccess file contents:

AuthName "Your Text Here..."
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile "../sub folder/sub folder/sub folder/.htpasswd"
require valid-user

Note: I had a problem getting the AuthUserFile syntacs right.
1. The double quotes are required
2. The elipse "../" works.

The .htpasswd file contents:


Note: Windows XP didn't like the
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