MySQL Problem!!!...

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

MySQL Problem!!!...

Postby FunnyMaker » 08. January 2007 16:37

How much problems with this XAMPP?! :o :shock:
First it says it can't start the MySQL... (in XAMPP Control panel).
Second the phpmyadmin doesn't open, it says:
MySQL said:

#2003 - The server is not responding

And third, i can't open the http://localhost anymore, first it ask me for my username and password, (and i enter it correct!!) And after that it says it can't find the page... I reinstall XAMPP 5 TIMES, and it didn't help!!! So first it was the port problem, and now its the 3 Unknow problems... -_- Can someone tell me what to do?! I didnt found something useful in the FAQ! Please someone can help? :x
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Postby FunnyMaker » 09. January 2007 16:14

My freind was right, XAMPP is really bad program, just problems. If no problems so bugs... :evil:
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Postby ntsmarkv » 09. January 2007 21:24

Don't hate the program this is a great program you just need to know how to use it:

1). Mysql not starting - Try uninstalling the mysql:

Xampp/Mysql mysql_uninstallservice.bat

Then re install it watch for errors and start as service!!!

if you have no errors the proceed to #2:

2). phpmyadmin not workin - well you need to fix the mysql problem.

3). go to: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.file <-- open and post it in here whould be like:
Code: Select all       localhost

then go to: \xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf

open and paste look for:

Code: Select all
NameVirtualHost localhost

ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot "xampp/htdocs/"
<Directory "xampp/htdocs/">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI
AllowOverride FileInfo
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

if you don't have similar I suggest erase and copy

DocumentRoot - root to your htdocs path in xampp (users folder)
ServerAdmin <-- your email
<Directory "xampp/htdocs/"> <-- again root to your htdocs path in xampp
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Postby FunnyMaker » 12. January 2007 20:56

Good news it works again... :)
So, i still didn't understand what was the problem with MySQL... I do these steps:
1. Uninstall XAMPP.
2. Install MySQL.
3. Install XAMPP.
And it works again! :wink: And i get stuck with: How i change my root password? I cant find it. :shock:
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Postby Wiedmann » 12. January 2007 21:05

2. Install MySQL.
3. Install XAMPP.

Don't understand that... In the XAMPP pakage there is an MySQL too. So you have now 2 MySQL servers?

And i get stuck with: How i change my root password? I cant find it.

Just read the readme:
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Postby FunnyMaker » 12. January 2007 23:34

Wiedmann wrote:
2. Install MySQL.
3. Install XAMPP.

Don't understand that... In the XAMPP pakage there is an MySQL too. So you have now 2 MySQL servers?

And i get stuck with: How i change my root password? I cant find it.

Just read the readme:

I have 2 MySQL servers, just on that way it works. :oops:
Ok thanks!
1 more question:
1. How can i do that XAMPP will support in ASP too? (like it support PHP)
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Postby Wiedmann » 12. January 2007 23:43

1. How can i do that XAMPP will support in ASP too? (like it support PHP)

Only Perl scripting is available with mod_perl's Apache::ASP
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Postby FunnyMaker » 19. January 2007 13:30

Wiedmann wrote:
1. How can i do that XAMPP will support in ASP too? (like it support PHP)

Only Perl scripting is available with mod_perl's Apache::ASP

I install it, but it doesn't work!! :o
Here look your self: Here
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Postby xnemesis » 19. January 2007 21:50

Doesn't work. Wow that's a rather explanatory error message.
It doesn't work as in it's not accessible via your public ip? Perhaps not a xampp problem if it works via localhost. It doesn't show .php it tries to download it? Then that's a problem with xampp's configuration.

How about elaborating slightly :)
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Postby FunnyMaker » 20. January 2007 17:22

.html, .php!
The only things that work!!! :(
I need more than it, i know very good asp, pl... So how can i do with this something? :?
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Postby xnemesis » 21. January 2007 04:52

That would be because .asp isn't supported by default by apache. I suggest IIS. If you MUST use apache then take a look at apaches home page there is some info there on apache ASP. Alternatively there are 3rd party programs such as Sun Server One (ChilliSoft) that will integrate with apache to provide such functionality.
The same goes for any other extensions, check out apache's website for modules that will add this functionality.
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Postby FunnyMaker » 21. January 2007 13:30

I didnt found something about ASP in ... =(
And what is IIS? :?
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Postby ellieod64 » 22. January 2007 03:17

I had the same problem with MySQL - I resolved it by clicking the checkbox to "Start MySQL as a service." You have to do this if you're on Windows XP.

I changed my root password using the security console, but I think I changed the username from root to Ellie. Does anyone know if the username is supposed to remain "root?" I want to fix it, but I don't want to make any more mistakes, so I'm asking first!

I had to install XAMPP tonite for a PHP class that starts tomorrow and I'm really nervous. The class seems like it's going to be very tough.

Also, when I get to phpmyadmin, is that where the PHP compiler is?

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