mediawiki installation fehler

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mediawiki installation fehler

Postby ppaul » 28. November 2006 15:52

Hallo, ich kriege bei der Installation von Mediawiki auf meinem Rechner immer folgende Fehlermeldung:
MediaWiki 1.8.2 Installation

* Don't forget security updates! Keep an eye on the low-traffic release announcements mailing list.

Checking environment...

Please include all of the lines below when reporting installation problems.

* PHP 5.1.4 installed
* Found database drivers for: MySQL
* PHP server API is apache2handler; ok, using pretty URLs (index.php/Page_Title)
* Have XML / Latin1-UTF-8 conversion support.
* PHP is configured with no memory_limit.
* Have zlib support; enabling output compression.
* Couldn't find Turck MMCache, eAccelerator or APC. Object caching functions cannot be used.
* GNU diff3 not found.
* Found GD graphics library built-in, image thumbnailing will be enabled if you enable uploads.
* Installation directory: D:\xampp\xampp\htdocs\wiki
* Script URI path: /wiki
* Environment checked. You can install MediaWiki.
* Warning: $wgSecretKey key is insecure, generated with mt_rand(). Consider changing it manually.

Generating configuration file...
* Database type: MySQL
* Loading class: DatabaseMysql
* Attempting to connect to database server as root...success.
* Connected to 5.0.21-community-nt
* Database wikidb exists
* There are already MediaWiki tables in this database. Checking if updates are needed...
* DB user account ok

...hitcounter table already exists.
...querycache table already exists.
...objectcache table already exists.
Creating categorylinks table...Query "CREATE TABLE `categorylinks` (
cl_from int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
cl_to varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
cl_sortkey varchar(86) binary NOT NULL default '',
cl_timestamp timestamp NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY cl_from(cl_from,cl_to),
KEY cl_sortkey(cl_to,cl_sortkey),
KEY cl_timestamp(cl_to,cl_timestamp)
" failed with error code "Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes (localhost)".
Kann da jemand helfen?
Posts: 1
Joined: 28. November 2006 14:57

Postby Wiedmann » 28. November 2006 16:07

Kann da jemand helfen?

Der Support von MediaWiki?
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