Apache service name and bad virtual hosts

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Apache service name and bad virtual hosts

Postby Adam Badura » 09. November 2006 07:41

1) Apache service name

I was trying to use C++ Server Pages (CPS) (http://www.micronovae.com/CSP.html) and found out that after installing CSP Apache wont start anymore.

The "dialog" with Apache (I used console to see the response of Apache) was like:

C:\Program Files\xampp\apache>apache_installservice.bat
Installing Apache2 as an Service
[Tue Nov 07 11:34:19 2006] [error] Apache2: Service is already installed.
Now we Start Apache2 :)
The Apache2 service is starting.
The Apache2 service could not be started.

A service specific error occurred: 1.

More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3547.

Press any key to continue . . .

C:\Program Files\xampp\apache>NET HELPMSG 3547

A service specific error occurred: ***.


A service-specific error occurred.


Refer to the Help or documentation for that service to determine the problem.

C:\Program Files\xampp\apache>

I wrote to the CSP provider (http://micronovae.com/forum/index.php?topic=7.0) and we worked out some solution but here is what they wrote:

What version of xampp do you use? I checked Xampp 1.5.4a and it causes the following problem. It installs Apache 2.2.3 service with a service name "Apache2" instead of a service name "Apache2.2".

According to the standard Apache distribution from apache.org, the correct service names are:

Apache 1.3.x --> "Apache"
Apache 2.0.x --> "Apache2"
Apache 2.2.x --> "Apache2.2"

The service name is critical because Apache 1.3.x, Apache 2.0.x, and Apache 2.2.x are INCOMPATIBLE versions and all modules require different code and linking.

If it is true than you should correct it as I think. :)

2) bad virtual hosts

I moved virtual hosts configuration file from my home computer to my work computer but moved only on project. "hosts" Windows file contains all the same virtual hosts but Apache virtual hosts file specfied non-existing folders (on non existing drives) for some of the virtual hosts (I had those folders on my home computer but did not need them in work).
This however caused Apache to crash a few seconds after starting. Just
removing the sepcifications for those virtual hosts in Apache conf file did the think and Apache now runs smoothly.
I know I should not spcify non-existing flders however Apache shoudl not comunicate this to me in such way... :)

Adam Badura
Adam Badura
Posts: 1
Joined: 09. November 2006 07:23

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