Probleme mit Hlstats

Alles, was Perl betrifft, kann hier besprochen werden.

Postby zisa » 21. August 2005 12:59

Nein, aber warum findet er Perl anders nicht ???
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Postby Wiedmann » 21. August 2005 13:01

Wenn du in der Konsole einen Programmnamen eingibts, wo sucht Windows dann das Programm?
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Postby zisa » 21. August 2005 13:02

In dem Verzeichnis in dem ich gerade bin. *bitterlichwein*

Ich versteh jetzt grad net wo du mich hinführen willst. :roll:
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Postby Wiedmann » 21. August 2005 13:07

Yup. Wenn du einfach den Programmnamen eingibst, dann sucht Windows im aktuellen Verzeichnis (".\programm") und in den Verzeichnissen die im PATH sind.

--> ergo?
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Postby zisa » 21. August 2005 13:12

Muss ich den PATH in die autoexec.bat reinschreiben.

PATH D:\xampp\perl\bin\ <<< Stimmt das so ???

cu ZiSA
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Postby Wiedmann » 21. August 2005 13:20

Muss ich den PATH in die autoexec.bat reinschreiben.

Müssen nicht (geht aber auch). BTW "autoexec.bat": Was hast du denn für ein OS?.

Du kannst beim Aufrufen ja auch sagen wo Perl ist.
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Postby zisa » 21. August 2005 13:24

Ich hab den Path so wie ich ihn oben geschrieben habe in die autoexec.bat reingeschrieben, neustart gemacht, geht nicht.

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Postby Wiedmann » 21. August 2005 13:48

Irgendwie bezweifel ich, dass XP die "autoexec.bat" interessiert.
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Postby zisa » 21. August 2005 13:55

da hast du recht, das scheit nicht mehr zu funzen (funktionieren)

ich habs anders gemacht.:

Hab die *.pl dateien direckt mit der Perl.exe verknüpft, das heist ich kann die +pl dateien per doppelklick ausfüren.

und siehe da:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\ZiSa>d:

D:\>cd hlstats

++ HLstats 1.32 starting...

-- Opening UDP listen socket on port 27500 ... opened OK
-- Connecting to MySQL database 'hlstats' on 'localhost' as user 'zisa' ... conn
ected OK

++ HLstats is now running (Normal mode, debug level 1).

danke für deine Lehrstunde, ich werde dich an unserer FH für einen Lehrstuhl vorschlagen.

cu ZiSa
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Postby Wiedmann » 21. August 2005 14:11

Hab die *.pl dateien direckt mit der Perl.exe verknüpft, das heist ich kann die +pl dateien per doppelklick ausfüren.

Das ist natürlich auch eine Lösug :-) Kannst du auf jedenfall auch brauchen, wenn du irgendwann mal "ScriptInterpreterSource" beim Apache benutzen willst.

danke für deine Lehrstunde, ich werde dich an unserer FH für einen Lehrstuhl vorschlagen.

Dann warte ich mal auf Post von denen ;-) Aber damit es passt, die anderen Lösungen.

da hast du recht, das scheit nicht mehr zu funzen (funktionieren)

Code: Select all
Systemsteuerung --> System --> Erweitert --> Umgebungsvariablen --> Systemvariablen --> Path

Diesen anpassen.

Code: Select all
cd \hlstats
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Postby deepsurfer » 21. August 2005 15:26

Wie auch immer.... ausgehend davon das das PERL-Addon installiert ist/war
stand alles bis in kleinste sogar in der Installanleitung.

Sogar das man den x:\hlstats eigentlich innerhalb des "htdocs" Ordners des zu benutzenden WAMPP schieben sollte.

Die *.pl Aufrufzeile ist dort auch beschrieben, sogar im Forum wurde über XAMPP berichtet.

Man muss schon zuerst mal der Anleitung folgen und dann erst versuchen etwas ausserhalb der Anleitung zu installieren.

In diesem Sinne... have fun with hlstats
chirio Deep
Wie sagte einst der MCP aus Tron auf dem Bildschirm zu schreiben Pflegte
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hab auch n problem....

Postby bAsh » 08. April 2006 12:26

ich hab fast das gleiche problem wie hier besprochen nur
das wenn ich die mit perl verknüpfe also ihr wisst schon wie ich das mein :oops:
dan öffnet sich es kurtz und es schlisst sich wieder sprich ich kann nichmal sehen was da steht :roll:
kann mir da einer helfen wer echt ned schlecht
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Re: hab auch n problem....

Postby deepsurfer » 10. April 2006 14:56

ich hab fast das gleiche problem wie hier besprochen nur
das wenn ich die mit perl verknüpfe also ihr wisst schon wie ich das mein :oops:

Nein.... Beschreibe es bitte.

dan öffnet sich es kurtz und es schlisst sich wieder sprich ich kann nichmal sehen was da steht :roll:

Zweite möglichkeit das ganze mal über eine DOSbox (Commandfenster) ausführen um zu sehen welche Fehlermeldung erscheint.

kann mir da einer helfen wer echt ned schlecht

Versuchen ja, aber ohne weiteren Informationen was du alles schon gemacht hast (Dokumentiert) ist es schwer zu helfen.
chirio Deep
Wie sagte einst der MCP aus Tron auf dem Bildschirm zu schreiben Pflegte
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Postby Corason » 15. October 2006 18:12

Also das liegt daran, weil die Anleitung davon ausgeht, das du PERLm MSQSL und PHP einzeln installierst. Ich selber benutze auch nur Xampp und tüftle seit langer Zeit daran rum, HLSTATSX mal bei mir Lokal laufen zu lassen. Ich habe das Webinterface installiert und die hlstats.sql und css.sql hochgeladen. das heißt man sieht wie das Interface feritg aussieht. Hab den Server im Admin-Interface eingetragen ( erweiterte Einstellungen ). Leider wird aber nicht fie aktuelle Statsistik angezeigt ( Server sagt in Feld played: 322481:08:53 ) Ich hab das mal zur Veranschaung hier hochgeladen:

Mit Perl kenn ich mich nicht weiter aus, deswegen möchte ich es auch gern mit Xampp installieren. Wie gesagt auch ich hab das Perl-Addon installiert. Das ausführen der perl-Dateien im Ordner /htdocs/modperl funktionieren aber. Hat jemand eine Idee ?
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Postby Corason » 15. October 2006 18:40

Vorraus sorry Doppelpost..

Zu diesem Post:

zisa wrote:OK,OK ihr dürft wieder fragen :oops:

So.. hab dann mal so probiert. Kam diese Meldung:

Can't locate .// in @INC (@INC contains: D:/xampp/perl/lib
D:/xampp/perl/site/lib .) at line 50.


-> Pass auf installier mal dein Perlmod neu ich hab es auch alles in Ordner c:\programme\Xampp\perl\bin reinkopert, hlstats.conf konfiguriert und es starten lassen. Bei mir gings. Leider läuft cmd nur bis Mode LAN. dann bleibt er hängen.


## HLstatsX Configuration File
# This file is used by, and
# Note that many options can be overridden on the command line; try running with
# the --help switch for details of available command line options.

## Database Settings

# DBHost - Database server "address" or "address:port". Address can be an IP or
# a hostname. The default MySQL port is 3306 (tcp).
DBHost "localhost"

# DBUsername - User to connect to the database as.
DBUsername "root"

# DBPassword - Password for the database user.
DBPassword "*******"

# DBName - Name of the database to use.
DBName "stats"

# DBLowPriority - Use INSERT DELAYED and DELETE LOW_PRIORITY for some queries.
# This can give better performance, but may make statistics less
# "real time". 1=on 0=off
DBLowPriority 0

## UDP Socket Settings (should match "logaddress ip port" on the game servers)

# BindIP - IP address to bind to (leave empty to use all interfaces).
BindIP ""

# Port - Port to listen on for log data from the game servers.
Port 27500

## DNS Settings

# DNSResolveIP - Resolve player IP addresses to hostnames. Requires a working
# DNS setup (on the box running 1=on 0=off
DNSResolveIP 1

# DNSTimeout - Time in seconds to wait for DNS queries to complete before
# cancelling. You may need to increase this if on a slow connection
# or if you find a lot of IPs are not being resolved. However,
# while is waiting for an IP to resolve it cannot be
# parsing log data.
DNSTimeout 5

## Rcon Settings

# Rcon - Allow HLstats to send Rcon commands to the game servers. 1=on 0=off
Rcon 1

# RconIgnoreSelf - Ignore (do not log) Rcon commands originating from the same
# IP as the server being Rcon'd. (Useful if you run any kind of
# monitoring script which polls the server regularly by Rcon.)
# 1=on 0=off
RconIgnoreSelf 0

# RconRecord - Sets whether to record Rcon commands to the Admin event table.
# This can be useful to see what your admins are doing. But if you
# run programs like PB it can also fill your database up with a lot
# of useless junk.
# 1=on 0=off
RconRecord 1

## General Settings

# MailTo - E-mail address to mail database errors to. (See also MailPath.)
MailTo ""

# MailPath - Path to the 'mail' program -- usually /bin/mail
MailPath "/bin/mail"

# Mode - EXPERIMENTAL: Sets the player-tracking mode.
# Possible values:
# Normal - Recommended for public Internet server use.
# Players will be tracked by WON ID.
# NameTrack - Useful for shared-PC environments, such as
# Internet cafes, etc. Players will be tracked
# by nickname. EXPERIMENTAL!
# LAN - Useful for LAN servers where players do not
# have a real WON ID. Players will be tracked
# by IP Address. EXPERIMENTAL!
# ++ Note: Make sure you change the setting of MODE at the top of
# config.php, as well.
Mode LAN

# SkillMaxChange - Specifies the maximum number of skill points a player can
# gain at one time through frags. Because players with low
# skill ratings gain more for killing players with high skill
# ratings, this cap is needed to prevent e.g. a player with a
# skill rating of '100' killing a player with a skill rating of
# '2000' and therefore gaining several hundred or thousand
# skill points. Instead they cannot gain more than the value
# specified here. (Default is 25 skill points maximum change.)
SkillMaxChange 25

# SkillMinChange - Specifies the minimum number of skill points a player will
# gain at one time through frags. (Default is 2 skill points
# minimum change)
SkillMinChange 2

# DeleteDays - HLstats will automatically delete history events from the
# events tables when they are over this many days old.
# This is important for performance reasons. Set lower if you
# are logging a large number of game servers or find the load on
# the MySQL server is too high. Don't forget to also change the
# DELETEDAYS define at the top of config.php.
DeleteDays 21

# UseTimestamp - Set to 0 (the default) to use the current time on the database
# server for the timestamp when recording events. Set to 1 to use
# the timestamp provided on the log data. Unless you are
# processing old log files on STDIN, you probably want to set
# this to 0; otherwise you will need to ensure that the clocks on
# your game servers are accurate. 1=on 0=off
UseTimestamp 1

# DebugLevel - Set this to 1 to have debugging information printed on stdout.
# Set higher for even more debugging information. Set to 0 for
# quiet operation. It is recommended that you set this to 1 when
# first configuring HLstats, to help diagnose any problems.
DebugLevel 1

# MinActivity - HLstats will automatically hide players which have no event
# more days than this value. (Default 28 days)
# ++ Note: Make sure you change the setting of MINACTIVITY at the
# top of config.php, as well.
MinActivity 21

# AllowOnlyConfigServers - If set to 1 (default) then only servers which are config in this file are tracked. Other
# servers will NOT automatically added and tracked! This is a big scurity thing!
AllowOnlyConfigServers 1

# TrackStatsTrend - Saves every day how many players, kills etc, are in the database and gvies access to graphical
# statistics. 1=on(default) 0=off
TrackStatsTrend 1

# GlobalBanning - Set to 1 to make player bans available on all participating servers. Players who were banned permanently
# are automatic hided from rankings. 1=on 0=off(default)
GlobalBanning 1

# LogChat - Defines if chat logging should be saved in the database. 1=on 0=off(default)
# ++ Note: Make sure you change the setting of LOG_CHAT in the config.php, as well.
LogChat 1

# LogChatAdmins - Defines if admins chat should be logged. 1=on 0=off(default)
LogChatAdmins 1

# GlobalChat - Defines if chat messages are broadcasted through all particapting
# servers. 0=off(default), 1=Broadcast to all, 2=Broadcast only to admins
GlobalChat 1

# Servers - Array to set which servers are tracked by hlstats and to set server
# specific parameters.
# Parameters:
# AddressPort - Server address (IP:Port-Syntax).
# MinPlayers - Specifies the minimum number of players required in the server
# for most player events (objectives, frags, etc.) to be recorded.
# This prevents players from hopping on an empty server and
# boosting their skill rating by capturing the flag, etc., with no
# opposition. (Default is 2 players required on the server).
# AdminContact - E-Mail Adress. This is broadcasted to master server and displays ingame.
# HLStatsURL - URL to your HLStats. This is broadcasted to master server and displays ingame.
# RawSocketSupport - With raw sockets you get access ingame to all important stats. Its content is displayed
# into the console. Works only on unix-systems. 1=on 0=off(default)
# RawSocketHelpNotice - A help notice for players is shown ingame with PlayerEventsCommand if PlayerEvents are enabled.
# 1=on 0=off(default)
# DisplayResultsInBrowser - If enabled (1=on 0=off(default)) the player queries will displayed in the valve browser as small
# html files instead of sending the data with rawsockets to the console.
# Requires mani_admin_plugin V1.0.1f (RECOMMENED)
# MasterServerData - Broadcasting server data to the hlstats master server.
# You can set up which informations are sent:
# 0 = Nothing
# 1 = Server details (contact, url, address, map, players etc.)
# 2 = Player details (name, frags, latency, skill etc)
# 4 = Activate global ranking
# Examples:
# Send all informations:
# MasterServerData = 7 (1+2+4)
# Send serverdata and playerdata without particapting global ranking:
# MasterServerData = 3 (1+2) (Default)
# Send just serverdata:
# MasterServerData = 1 (1) (Notice: Sending just players is not possible)
# Turn off communication with master server
# MasterServerData = 0
# MasterServerInterval - Sets the interval broadcasting data to the master server. Default are 200 lines.
# (Minimum: 50 lines, Maximum: 1000 lines).
# BroadCastEvents - Nearly all Events will be directly broadcasted through rcon on the server.
# You will directly see, how many points you got for a kill or bomb plating etc. 1=on 0=off(default)
# BroadCastPlayerActions - Toggle broadcasting PlayerActions ingame. (f.e Touched a hostage or dropped the Bomb). 1=on 0=off(default)
# BroadCastEventsCommand - The command to broadcast the events. Default is the "say"-command
# BroadCastEventsCommandSteamid - If the BroadCastCommand needs as second argument the steamid of the player
# set this value to 1. 1=on 0=off(default)
# BroadCastEventsCommandAnnounce - Command to announce ingame summary stats and admin email etc. Default is "say".
# PlayerEvents - Determine if players can get player-specific display ingame (f.e. /skill)
# PlayerEventsCommand - The command to display player events. Default is the "say"-command.
# PlayerEventsCommandSteamid - If the PlayerEventsCommand needs as second argument the steamid of the player
# set this value to 1. 1=on 0=off(default)
# PlayerEventsCommandOSD - The command to display amx style menu for "/rank", "/session", "/kpd" commands. Default is "".
# PlayerEventsAdminCommand - Some messages (f.e. team-balancer) are only for admins. here you can specify a
# admin-command. Default is "".
# ShowStats - If set to 1 (default) periodically stats are shown ingame with the boradcast-command.
# TKPenalty - Penalty for a team kill (Default: 50 points).
# SuicidePenalty - Penalty for a suicide (Default: 5 points).
# AutoTeamBalance - If rcon is enabled hlstats automatically analyzed teams and balance players for fair teams.
# It will make teams numerical even and also swap players based on there skill to balance teams.
# 1=on 0=off(default)
# AutoBanRetry - Auto-bans player for 5 minutes if the disconnect from the server. Prevent players from reconnecting
# until the have a good team and won't loose many points. 1=on 0=off(default)
# TrackServerLoad - Saves every 5 min how much players are playing on the server.
# MinimumPlayersRank - Required players position to be allowed playing on the server (e.g Top500-Server).
# Admins - Steamids seperated by "," ("STEAM_0:1:XXX,STEAM_0:0:XXX,STEAM_0:1:XXX").
# SwitchAdmins - Defines if admins are switched from auto-team balancer 1=on 0=off(default).
# IgnoreBots - If enabled bots are not tracked by HLstatsX 1=on 0=off(default).
# SkillMode - Mode of skill changes on frags with following options:
# 0 = Normal (Victims lost all the points which the killer got).
# 1 = Victims lost 3/4 the points which the killer got.
# 2 = Victims lost 1/2 the points which the killer got.
# 3 = Victims lost 1/4 the points which the killer got.
# 4 = Victims lost no points.
# GameType - Mode of the current gametype:
# 0 = Normal mod standard (default).
# 1 = Deathmatch for CSS.
# Mod - Valid values are BEETLE or MANI if one of such plugins are installed.

# Standard configuration
Servers[0] = ("AddressPort" => "",
"MinPlayers" => "1",
"AdminContact" => "",
"HLStatsURL" => "",
"RawSocketSupport" => "0",
"RawSocketHelpNotice" => "0",
"DisplayResultsInBrowser" => "0",
"MasterServerData" => "7",
"MasterServerInterval" => "200",
"BroadCastEvents" => "0",
"BroadCastPlayerActions" => "0",
"BroadCastEventsCommand" => "say",
"BroadCastEventsCommandSteamid" => "0",
"BroadCastEventsCommandAnnounce" => "say",
"PlayerEvents" => "1",
"PlayerEventsCommand" => "say",
"PlayerEventsCommandSteamid" => "0",
"PlayerEventsCommandOSD" => "",
"PlayerEventsAdminCommand" => "",
"ShowStats" => "1",
"TKPenalty" => "50",
"SuicidePenalty" => "5",
"AutoTeamBalance" => "0",
"AutoBanRetry" => "0",
"TrackServerLoad" => "1",
"MinimumPlayersRank" => "0",
"Admins" => "",
"SwitchAdmins" => "0",
"IgnoreBots" => "0",
"SkillMode" => "0",
"GameType" => "0",
"Mod" => "MANI")

# Example server configuration with extended options enabled (requires mani-admin-plugin V1.1 series)
#Servers[0] = ("AddressPort" => "",
# "MinPlayers" => "6",
# "AdminContact" => "",
# "HLStatsURL" => "",
# "RawSocketSupport" => "0",
# "RawSocketHelpNotice" => "0",
# "DisplayResultsInBrowser" => "1",
# "MasterServerData" => "7",
# "MasterServerInterval" => "200",
# "BroadCastEvents" => "1",
# "BroadCastPlayerActions" => "1",
# "BroadCastEventsCommand" => "ma_psay",
# "BroadCastEventsCommandSteamid" => "1",
# "BroadCastEventsCommandAnnounce" => "ma_csay",
# "PlayerEvents" => "1",
# "PlayerEventsCommand" => "ma_psay",
# "PlayerEventsCommandSteamid" => "1",
# "PlayerEventsCommandOSD" => "ma_msay",
# "PlayerEventsAdminCommand" => "",
# "ShowStats" => "1",
# "TKPenalty" => "50",
# "SuicidePenalty" => "5",
# "AutoTeamBalance" => "0",
# "AutoBanRetry" => "0",
# "TrackServerLoad" => "1",
# "MinimumPlayersRank" => "0",
# "Admins" => "",
# "SwitchAdmins" => "0",
# "IgnoreBots" => "1",
# "SkillMode" => "0",
# "GameType" => "0",
# "Mod" => "MANI")

# Example server configuration with extended options enabled (requires mani-admin-plugin V1.2 series)
#Servers[0] = ("AddressPort" => "",
# "MinPlayers" => "6",
# "AdminContact" => "",
# "HLStatsURL" => "",
# "RawSocketSupport" => "0",
# "RawSocketHelpNotice" => "0",
# "DisplayResultsInBrowser" => "1",
# "MasterServerData" => "7",
# "MasterServerInterval" => "200",
# "BroadCastEvents" => "1",
# "BroadCastPlayerActions" => "1",
# "BroadCastEventsCommand" => "ma_hlx_psay",
# "BroadCastEventsCommandSteamid" => "1",
# "BroadCastEventsCommandAnnounce" => "ma_hlx_csay",
# "PlayerEvents" => "1",
# "PlayerEventsCommand" => "ma_hlx_psay",
# "PlayerEventsCommandSteamid" => "1",
# "PlayerEventsCommandOSD" => "ma_hlx_msay",
# "PlayerEventsAdminCommand" => "",
# "ShowStats" => "1",
# "TKPenalty" => "50",
# "SuicidePenalty" => "5",
# "AutoTeamBalance" => "0",
# "AutoBanRetry" => "0",
# "TrackServerLoad" => "1",
# "MinimumPlayersRank" => "0",
# "Admins" => "",
# "SwitchAdmins" => "0",
# "IgnoreBots" => "1",
# "SkillMode" => "0",
# "GameType" => "0",
# "Mod" => "MANI")

# Example server configuration with extended options enabled (requires beetlesmod)
#Servers[0] = ("AddressPort" => "",
# "MinPlayers" => "6",
# "AdminContact" => "",
# "HLStatsURL" => "",
# "RawSocketSupport" => "0",
# "RawSocketHelpNotice" => "0",
# "DisplayResultsInBrowser" => "1",
# "MasterServerData" => "7",
# "MasterServerInterval" => "200",
# "BroadCastEvents" => "1",
# "BroadCastPlayerActions" => "1",
# "BroadCastEventsCommand" => "hlx_psay",
# "BroadCastEventsCommandSteamid" => "1",
# "BroadCastEventsCommandAnnounce" => "hlx_csay",
# "PlayerEvents" => "1",
# "PlayerEventsCommand" => "hlx_psay",
# "PlayerEventsCommandSteamid" => "1",
# "PlayerEventsCommandOSD" => "hlx_msay",
# "PlayerEventsAdminCommand" => "",
# "ShowStats" => "1",
# "TKPenalty" => "50",
# "SuicidePenalty" => "5",
# "AutoTeamBalance" => "0",
# "AutoBanRetry" => "0",
# "TrackServerLoad" => "1",
# "MinimumPlayersRank" => "0",
# "Admins" => "",
# "SwitchAdmins" => "0",
# "IgnoreBots" => "1",
# "SkillMode" => "0",
# "GameType" => "0",
# "Mod" => "BEETLE")

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