xampp is working but when installing wordpress

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

xampp is working but when installing wordpress

Postby scratches » 14. September 2006 21:22

hello i am running windows xp media center edition and IIS isn't installed on this computer check the windows components to see what was installed and it isn't but after install xampp i go to install my wordpress and it stalls out at the first paragraph of second step which means it doesn't give username or password. I have done all the required steps for the config files and the one that needs the rewrite mod uncarroted but still can't get that to install any suggestions.
Thank you
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Joined: 14. September 2006 20:32

Postby feralrath » 18. September 2006 17:29

i didn't totaly understand what you where trying to say. but i think i got the jist.

if you are trying to install wordpress from scratch. you have to log into phpmyadmin and create a database for it. then when you install use that database and the username and password that you always use to access you other databases(if you have any)
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Postby scratches » 18. September 2006 19:58

no i have my database etc set up but when installing wordpress it stalls out at step 2 and nothing else. So the db isn't my issue.
thanks for replying
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Postby Izzy » 18. September 2006 22:11

Does your XAMPP installation work? ie. can you reach the XAMPP Welcome Page from http://localhost?
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Postby scratches » 18. September 2006 23:01

yes i can reach the install i am running windows xp media center edition so not sure if that is my issue or not
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Postby Izzy » 18. September 2006 23:05

scratches wrote:yes i can reach the install i am running windows xp media center edition so not sure if that is my issue or not

Then your issue is with Wordpress and not XAMPP. You should address your problem to the Wordpess forums etc.
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Postby scratches » 19. September 2006 01:25

i have tried that and they can't give me other than check it out with the forum here since my version of windows xp is media center edition but i figure that wouldn't be an issue since it isn't windows xp pro so i am still lost on this.

Thanks for the help though
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Postby Izzy » 19. September 2006 06:44

You need to give more details. Its no good just saying things don't work or step 2 freezes etc.
What is step 2 trying to do?
Have you any entries in the xampp\apache\logs\error.log or the access.log.
Any error messages given at all?
How do you get out of the freeze?
Does the computer freeze?

Details, we need details and even more details and when you have given us details we need even more details.
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Postby scratches » 19. September 2006 18:01

well with wordpress trying to install into wamp or even xampp it stop at first paragraph of install before it give password and username so it is hanging there. This is what i am trying to figure out if it has something to do with my windows version or a software glitch in one of 3 programs wamp, xampp or wordpress itself since with the wordpress forum the person saying come here said it was something with my version of windows and possible solution to fix it.

Quote from wordpress member:::
You might check the http://apachefriends.org/ forum to see if there's a problem of some sort with that version of xp - I seem to vaguely remember something about it, not sure now, I've never used it.

You are sure you don't have the windows-resident server running?

and to this i said no the windows resident server isn't running nor is skype since I can test the port 80 that xampp and wamp when installed shows they are using it. Want to find a solution before I reinstall either program.

Thank you for replying izzy

Izzy wrote:You need to give more details. Its no good just saying things don't work or step 2 freezes etc.
What is step 2 trying to do?
Have you any entries in the xampp\apache\logs\error.log or the access.log.
Any error messages given at all?
How do you get out of the freeze?
Does the computer freeze?

Details, we need details and even more details and when you have given us details we need even more details.
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Joined: 14. September 2006 20:32

Postby Izzy » 20. September 2006 02:57

I am trying to replicate your problem but it seems to be impossible. I use XP Pro but can't imagine that media edition would be at fault here, more like a configuration error on your part in the initial steps of installing Wordpress.

Make sure you are only running XAMPP Apache - XAMPP mySQL and optionally XAMPP FileZilla - XAMPP MercuryMail.
Don't mix and match with another server's modules, use only XAMPP's modules.
Check this by using the XAMPP Control Panel.

I will go through the installation process and you tell me where you do things differently.

Installation: Famous 5-minute install

1. Unzip the package in an empty directory
2. Open up wp-config-sample.php with a text editor like WordPad or similar and fill in your database connection details
3. Save the file as wp-config.php
4. Upload everything.
5. Open /wp-admin/install.php in your browser. This should setup the tables needed for your blog. If there is an error, double check your wp-config.php file, and try again. If it fails again, please go to the support forums with as much data as you can gather.
6. Note the password given to you.
7. The install script should then send you to the login page. Sign in with the username admin and the password generated during the installation. You can then click on 'Profile' to change the password.

1. After unzipping the archive.

2. I found and opened the wp-config-sample.php file in my text editor and noted the database information required.

I created the database wordpress and created a user wp and gave that user a password of pw with all privileges for the wordpress database using phpMyAdmin from:

So now my wp-config.php file looks like this:
Code: Select all
// ** MySQL settings ** //
define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress');    // The name of the database
define('DB_USER', 'wp');     // Your MySQL username
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'pw'); // ...and password
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');    // 99% chance you won't need to change this value

// You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each a unique prefix
$table_prefix  = 'wp_';   // Only numbers, letters, and underscores please!

// Change this to localize WordPress.  A corresponding MO file for the
// chosen language must be installed to wp-includes/languages.
// For example, install de.mo to wp-includes/languages and set WPLANG to 'de'
// to enable German language support.
define ('WPLANG', '');

/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__).'/');

If your native language is not English and you want to change the language in the wp-config.php file then you must follow the instructions for your language and make sure this language is also selected in phpMyAdmin for your wordpress database.
Code: Select all
// Change this to localize WordPress.  A corresponding MO file for the
// chosen language must be installed to wp-includes/languages.
// For example, install de.mo to wp-includes/languages and set WPLANG to 'de'
// to enable German language support.
define ('WPLANG', '');

(My advise is to keep the default English language until you have successfully installed it.
You can then uninstall it by deleting the wordpress folder and the database. Then reinstall using your language of choice. At least you will know it installs in the default English language first).

3. I saved the file as wp-config.php.

4. I copied the complete folder wordpress to my web site's DocumentRoot. So I now have this tree:
(Your's will be a different path here).

5. I opened
in my browser and was given this page back:
Welcome to WordPress installation.

We’re now going to go through a few steps to get you up and running with the latest in personal publishing platforms. You may want to peruse the ReadMe documentation at your leisure.

First Step »

WordPress, personal publishing platform.

I clicked on First Step »

The next page:
First Step

Before we begin we need a little bit of information. Don't worry, you can always change these later.

Weblog title:
Your e-mail:

Double-check that email address before continuing.

Continue To Second Step »

I provided the Weblog title and the e-mail address in the text boxes provided and click on Continue to Second Step »

The next page was this but after a short delay while the database table were created:
NOTE:If this is where your installation stopped then you must not have created the database correctly or your XAMPP mySQL server was not running or you were using a mySQL from another server other than XAMPP. Double check this, as it will freeze here if all is not in order with your database at this point.
Second Step

Now we’re going to create the database tables and fill them with some default data.


Now you can log in with the username "admin" and password "04ecf6".

Note that password carefully! It is a random password that was generated just for you. If you lose it, you will have to delete the tables from the database yourself, and re-install WordPress. So to review:

Login address

Were you expecting more steps? Sorry to disappoint. All done! :)

I posted the username and password because it is only a test installation and will be deleted before anyone reads this thread. Sorry to disapoint the script kiddies. ;)

6. I noted the password

7. I proceeded to the login page and logged in with no trouble at all:
and was presented with:


Remember me

Login »

Going through this again I would suggest you have a mySQL issue that is stopping you from proceeding with your installation and it is nothing to do with XAMPP, XP Media Edition or Wordpress.
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Postby scratches » 20. September 2006 04:08

Second Step

Now we’re going to create the database tables and fill them with some default data.

I have done all the steps you went through but the step above in is where it stalls out. Dont' know why it is stalling out but I reinstalled my xampp and found that I can install Zen Cart with no problem so I am figuring something in WP just doesn't want to get past that stage. I have downloaded newer version of Wordpress and still haven't been able to fix the problem other than create database on domain and install and then export my database files to overwrite the database in xampp so i am thinking it is something in the install files of wordpress that my pc hates.

Thank you for the help Izzy i am done tinkering with wp will work on it through my domain. But I know I can install other files into xampp ..
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Postby Izzy » 20. September 2006 04:29

I can assure you there is nothing wrong with WP. You need to fix your database and mySQL, then and only then, will you succeed in installing WP.
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Postby skeezix » 20. October 2007 05:05

Izzy wrote:I can assure you there is nothing wrong with WP. You need to fix your database and mySQL, then and only then, will you succeed in installing WP.

Hope this makes it to you, it's a bit stale.

I did EXACTLY as you did, but at the end when I enter 'admin' and the PW I was given during the WP install, the process does not accept that PW.

My install of XAMPP and WP is on the D: drive, but I doubt it makes any difference.

Any ideas? Oh, and I also posted a very similar problem earlier this evening in case you're experiencing deja vu...
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Postby Izzy » 20. October 2007 05:53

I don't see where you created a database using phpMyAdmin.
You did create a database for WordPress didn't you?

It is no good just giving WordPress your MySQL root credentials and you should not do this anyway, not very secure.
Root is for your access via the localhost only and should not be used in any scripts.

I have explained the need to create this database in my detailed installation instructions if you would care to re-read them.

Try and post, with as much detail as you can what you did to install WordPress, please.

And remember this is an XAMPP forum not a WordPress forum but I am prepared to help if I can.

Also, rather than create another thread and start a duplication issue, would you mind deleting that newly created thread by clicking on the X next to the Edit button on top of your post, before anyone posts a reply.

Take a look at the new DeskTopXampp launch control for XAMPP
and XAMPPlite (DTX.exe) posted by ridgewood:
http://community.apachefriends.org/f/viewtopi ... 967#103967
Available at Ridgewood's new DTX web site http://zedfiles.com/DTX/
Also available here: http://nat32.com/dtx/
I highly recommend DTX.
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Postby skeezix » 20. October 2007 21:06


Thank you for your offer to help.

I deleted the post to which you referred.

Here is a detailed account of how I installed XAMPP and WordPress on my machine:

1. I downloaded XAMPPLite for Windows, choosing the exe version, and installed it in d:/xampplite.

2. I browsed to d:\xampplite and doubleclicked "setup_xampp.bat". A DOS window opened and I typed <Space> to close it.

3. Then I doubleclicked xampp-control.exe and started the Apache and Mysql services.

4. Next, I browsed to http://localhost/. I chose English from the menu in the left column.

5. I then clicked on phpMyAdmin in the left column.

6.I entered "wordpress" (without the quotes) in the "Create New Database" Field, and after verifying that "utf8_unicode_ci" in the drop down box in the next field was selected, I clicked Create.

7. Then I downloaded Wordpress (2.2.2 because that is what my online blog is using) and unzipped it to c:\xampplite\htdocs. The folder structure is \htdocs\wordpress\<all the files andfolders>.

8. I opened the wp-config-sample.php and saved it as "wp-config.php" after changing DB_NAME, DB_USER, and DB_HOST to 'wordpress', 'root', and 'localhost'. I left DB_PASSWORD blank.

9. I browsed to http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php and was presented with the WP "Welcome to WordPress installation... First Step>" screen.

10. I clicked "First Step" and followed the instructions to a successful installation.

I assume the database was installed correctly because I used Xampp's phpmyadmin to peek inside the wordpress database tables and verified that the WP post "Hello World" was present.

11. Then I remembered no seeing the WP control panel for this installation, so I browsed to http://localhost/wordpress/wp-login.php and was presented with a WP login screen.

That's where the process went awry. I used the username 'admin' and the password '0fb42a' that WordPress assigned me and warned me to remember. This resulted in an incorrect password error.

12. So I peeked in the wordpress database, wp_users table and saw a single username of 'admin' and a hashed password field. I copied the hashed password to Notebook, then from Notebook to the clipboard.

13. I went back to the login screen, logging in as 'admin' and pasting the hashed PW into the PW field. That also failed with an "Incorrect Password" error.

14. I then used phpmyadmin from the Apache cpanel, opened MySQL and looked at the 'user' table. It contains 2 users - one named 'root' and the other named 'pma' whatever that means. Both password fields are empty.

So do you think a step is missing? Something is, because the WP cpanel appears to be missing.

I hope this information can help you help me...
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