Hosting Panel using XAMPP as backend

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Hosting Panel using XAMPP as backend

Postby YorYor » 29. August 2006 08:57

Hi there,

I've begun development of a Hosting Panel solution using XAMPP as the backend, written completely in PHP.

The status and some key features as of now:
1. Ability to create Resellers, Clients, Sites, MySQL Databases, Reseller Plans and Hosting Plans
2. AWStats integrated (somewhat working, not 10000% tested yet, but seems to work fine; I've junked webalizer in favour of this, since it seems to be the preferred statistics report generation tool)
3. BIND integrated (only the management process, not the installation)
4. mod_bw integrated (throughput limits are set according to per IP)
5. Individual site customisation of PHP, Perl, PerlASP access.
6. Main overarching principal is that diskspace is the controlling factor, so X domains use Y diskspace and not X diskspace per domain (one can always create plans that limit to 1 domain per client).

1. Installation script (will embark on this only when I've completed the other TODOs below; will ideally include one-click installations of the necessary addons, BIND, AWStats and also parse+amend+update the apache .conf file.)
2. Integration with Filezilla Server (as of now, my own production server is running GuildFTPd, so I can't integrate it yet. GuildFTPd at version 1.0 is supposed to allow external management of its database... and the only reason why I'm not hopping over to Filezilla is because of the lack of a FolderLimit setting which is important to limiting the amount of space used)
3. Windows service to reload Apache whenever a certain flag is set
4. Sub-domains
5. (Maybe) Integration with Mercury mail server, but again, my production server is running ArgoSoft, so I'm not too keen to switch.
6. (Maybe) Web-based file manager, including edit/rename/delete/move etc etc.
7. Include MySQL DB space usage into the client's diskspace limits (not sure how to do this in Windows yet, but I know it can be easily done in Linux by using symbolic links)

I'm now looking for perhaps a few more interested and competent developers to join me in this project.
1. A must-have is a designer to design and create the interface, as I am a terribly lousy designer and the whole interface is text-based at the moment.
2. Someone with good knowledge of the security requirements of a production server.

Anyone interested should email me with some form of short write-up on what you think you can contribute and how much time you can afford to allocate to this project.

Perhaps this can turn out to become one of the better hosting panel solutions for Windows. I'll get some screenshots out when I get a bit more done.
Just me~
Posts: 1
Joined: 29. August 2006 04:17

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