no luck getting phpmyadmin to work

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no luck getting phpmyadmin to work

Postby air_pogo » 04. August 2006 02:30

I'm at a point where I just cant figure anything else out and could use your help.

I've gotten xampp all set up, changed passwords where needed, i can get the mysql frontend to come up, but when i try to get phpmyadmin to come up, i get nothing. I've read the instructions, but cannot get the config file to work for me. If i try to run the config script helper, i get a blank screen.

I'm setting up joomla and at the point where I need to create a database. Also, i'd like to create a seperate user for the database rather than root, but root is fine if needbe.

Thanks all
Posts: 3
Joined: 04. August 2006 01:56

Postby Izzy » 04. August 2006 02:38

Do you get any error messages?

Often changing this line in xampp/phpmyadmin/
Code: Select all
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type']     = 'config';
// Authentication method (config, http or cookie based)?

Code: Select all
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type']     = 'cookie';
// Authentication method (config, http or cookie based)?

can fix you access issue.

Once you have access to phpMyAdmin you can add/change the user for any database to suit your needs.
Last edited by Izzy on 04. August 2006 02:44, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: 25. April 2006 17:06

Postby air_pogo » 04. August 2006 02:43

i believe all the hours of coding i've done this week have fried my brain!!! I had a brainstorm to go to //localhost/phpmyadmin/ and sure enough it worked. before i was trying to load phpmyadmin directly by opening the index.php. oi vey
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Joined: 04. August 2006 01:56

Postby air_pogo » 04. August 2006 03:01

Izzy wrote:Do you get any error messages?

Once you have access to phpMyAdmin you can add/change the user for any database to suit your needs.

Ok, but where do i create another user entity? I'm used to working with cpanel backend, and now doing everything via phpmyadmin is testing me.
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Joined: 04. August 2006 01:56

Postby Izzy » 04. August 2006 03:14

Select Privileges in phpMyAdmin home page.
If your db user is already in the list click on the little edit icon

If you do not have a db user for a database click on Add a new User.
Add User name in the text box
Select Local from the drop box for Host
Add Password for this user in the text box
Re-type Password
You can Generate a password in the next box to use instead of thinking of one.
Select the db priveleges for this user here is not recommended as these are Global priveleges. You select the individual database priveleges in the next screen.
Click on Go (bottom right of the page)

Next screen allows you to add that user to a database and set the database priveleges for that user.

Now when you create a database, which is also straight forward, you can use this user and grant this user priveleges/permissions to use the database or add this user to another database.
Posts: 3344
Joined: 25. April 2006 17:06

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