MySQL Will Not Start

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

MySQL Will Not Start

Postby waltercat » 19. May 2006 06:57

I was able to install xampp locally very easily. And everything ran fine.

I am also needed to install vbulletin locally.

So I installed it and I was able to access everything perfect. I could post messages, reply, search etc.

However, once I stop MYSQL in the control panel of xampp or shut my computer down, MySQL shuts down and I cannot restart it.

Please help, I've been pulling my hair out for 2 days over this.
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Postby capitalfellow » 19. May 2006 16:22


Open the .err file in that directory with a text editor.
Look at the last few lines in the log file and see what MySQL is complaining about it.
If you don't understand them post them here.
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Postby waltercat » 19. May 2006 19:19

The err file does not display anything. However when I try to go to phpadmin via localhost/phpmyadmin, I get this error:

#1130 - host 'localhost' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server."

The control panel says MYSQL is running.

However if I stop it and try to restart it with the "mysql_start.bat" it says

MySQL is starting with mysql\bin\my.cnf (console)...

mysql\bin\mysqld: ready for connections....

port 3306 MySQL Community Edition (GPL)

Nothing else. I think it is still looking for something because when I try to close the window Windows says that the program is still running and that I have to close it early if I want to close the window. So I End Now.

I think it comes back to my my.ini,,

I looked for "mysql\bin\my.cnf" but could not find it.

What is changing the files! Why would it work fine when I install but once I stop mySQL everything craps out???

Are there file conflicts somewhere?
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Postby waltercat » 19. May 2006 23:42

Okay, I figured it out and it was a bonehead reason...

In the config.php file for vbulletin I was naming the vbname 'mysql' and the folder was conflicting and overriding MYSQL's 'mysql' folder.

I thought the vbname was supposed to reference a database on the server. Rather it is supposed to reference the vbulletin part of the database.

That's where I was confused.

Oh well, I feel silly, but am glad I solved the problem.
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