Apache does not start

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Apache does not start

Postby focus310 » 08. April 2006 01:41


I'm new to the forum and XAMPP.

I installed XAMPP for Windows. I have Windows XP. I went to the FAQ section of the website and found a question regarding Apache not starting.

This is happening to me. The cause of my problem is that I started running more than one HTTP server. I'm running IIS so I can write ASP applications.

The solution is that I need to terminate one of the servers. My questions:
How do I terminate the IIS server?
Is it possible to toggle between IIS and XAMPP as long as one of the servers is running?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
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Location: Atlanta, GA

Postby Wiedmann » 08. April 2006 09:22

How do I terminate the IIS server?

I think you can read this in the Windows documentation...

Open the service control panel (services.msc) and stop the service(s) for IIS.
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Postby focus310 » 08. April 2006 11:03


Thank you for the reply.

I was able to find where I need to stop the service. I successfully stopped IIS and installed XAMPP. XAMPP now works.

Next, I stopped XAMPP and then back to restart the IIS service and now neither XAMPP nor IIS is working.

Is there a way that I can go between IIS and XAMPP?

Thank you for your help.
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Postby professionalgeek » 14. April 2006 17:08

I would not recommend trying to start and stop IIS/apache in order to switch between them. IIS can be very tempermental. Why not have both running at the same time just on different ports? You can see this post: http://community.apachefriends.org/f/viewtopic.php?t=17343 to see how to make Apache listen on a different port. This would allow you to access IIS and Apache with not having to stop/start anything. You can try to make IIS listen on a different port, but when I tried, I could not get IIS to give up port 443 (HTTPS). It is just much easier to make Apache listen on different ports.
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