phpMyAdmin - weird lost database dropdown on home page

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phpMyAdmin - weird lost database dropdown on home page

Postby bwall » 05. December 2005 04:46

I just went in and changed the file as stated in the windows faq. I set the password to my choice in two places that had the empty password after auth_type areas.

I then went to the phpMyAdmin page http://localhost/phpMyAdmin and saw the red line warning about password and username. I located the database dropdown list on the left and opened the mySQL table. I changed the localhost root (password from '' to the one added in the .inc.php file) and the % root (to the same). After typing in the new password I selected Go at the bottom to save. Then did the same with the % root one. I then went to the phpMyAdmin home and closed the page. I restarted the mySQL and the server. I went back to the phpMyAdmin and the database dropdown was gone and all that is in its place is test(1) and browse test.

Did I erase some of the tables somehow???

Or do I need to do something to find the dropdown again?? Plus it is not asking me for a username and password.

Any help would be great.

Bob W.
Bob W.
Posts: 7
Joined: 19. August 2005 06:59

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