XAMPP hangs

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XAMPP hangs

Postby muhv » 06. October 2005 06:54


I downloaded latest XAMPP versioon (1.4.16) and unpacked to /opt on my Redhat 7.3 (Linux kribel.krabel.com 2.4.18-3 #1 Thu Apr 18 07:37:53 EDT 2002 i686 unknown)
But when I try now start it (/opt/lampp/lampp start), it will hang on apache startup!

Code: Select all
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.4.16...
XAMPP: Starting Apache...

... and thats all what I get! No error, and nothing in error log! :(
I was waiting almoust 24 hours, but nothing, same screen ...
and there is no difference, with SSL or without! Tried any configuration (changed apache and php settings) but nothing. Stops always on same place....

When I tested XAMPP on my old linux (RH 6.2), all works perfectly! But with RH 7.3 no success ....

Any hint, how to test or debug this situation? How to detect what is the problem, why apache wont start ....


Sorry my bad english.
English is my second language.
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Postby mozartcova » 18. November 2005 10:57


I'm facing the exact problem. Does anyone have any clue why is this happening?

I'm running RedHat Enterprise ES on a Itanium server. Does it makes any difference?

Thanks in advance.
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Postby krelvinaz » 18. November 2005 20:14

Did you look in the logs area to see what it might be saying?

Not all errors are reported when you use the command line startup.
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Postby mozartcova » 24. November 2005 02:29

Hi Kevin,

What log are you referring to? I have only checked the log file within opt/lampp/logs directory. Nothing was being reported there.

Please advice if I should be checking on some place else. I'm new to linux. I don't know where the "event log" is.

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Postby krelvinaz » 24. November 2005 19:26

When the system starts up, a number of log files are created in the /opt/lampp/logs directory. You should look at each one to see if you see any errors.
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Same Problem? Anyone figured out what it is?

Postby pr0f3t » 16. December 2005 23:28

I'm having the exact problem.
And what makes it worse is that for me, it was working fine for about 3 months now.
Then the error_log shows the entry:

[Fri Dec 16 03:14:46 2005] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down

And after that, when the process starts, it just sits there:

server:/opt/lampp/logs # /opt/lampp/lampp start
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.4.14...
XAMPP: Starting Apache with SSL (and PHP5)...

I've checked, and it seems it seems it actually tries to start apache:
I have the following processes running, while xampp is "just sitting there"

/bin/bash /opt/lampp/lampp startapache %
/bin/sh /opt/lampp/bin/apachectl -k start -DSSL -DPHP5
/opt/lampp/bin/httpd -k start -DSSL -DPHP5

But that's it. I'm unable to access the webserver in any way.
I've checked, and I seem to be having no RAM issues.

Any solution?
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More info

Postby pr0f3t » 16. December 2005 23:30

I forgot to mention. I'm using SuSE linux

uname -a output:
Linux 2.4.20-021stab028.3.777-enterprise #1 SMP Wed Feb 2 21:08:59 MSK 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
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