Weird problem with cascading routers, Xammp, and CMS

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Weird problem with cascading routers, Xammp, and CMS

Postby duncann » 03. October 2005 22:06

Hello... I have what i think is an interesting problem. That ...or i'm missing something entirely. I'm not completely green on LAMP, but i admit I have alot to learn.
I will go into detail with my problem, since it may get confusing otherwise:

I'm attempting to set up a cms for local use around the office, a makeshift intranet, so to speak. Our 'admin' area has 5 computers behind a router with the address ranges 172.16.xx.xx. A single line from this same router goes to the 'shop' area of my office, where i've installed another router occupying the address of that range (static). Behind this second router, DHCP feeds 3 computers in my shop area with addresses in the 192.168.1.xx range. These 3 "shop" computers are thus on their own seperate LAN from the "admin" computers.
Hope I didn't lose anyone. :)

Here's the problem. I installed Xampp on computer. Debian Linux machine, No problems. This computer is always on, and always occupies that address. I then installed a few cms's to test drive, namely Mambo and OsCommerce. These also have no problems, and I can access them beautifully from the "shop" LAN.
Now I want "admin" computers to see this stuff too... so I forward port 80 of the shop router ( to
I run to the admin area and get on a computer ( and try to access my webserver in the shop.
There is a long one minute pause or longer, then only the text appears from either cms. The browsers hang while trying to load picture files from either cms. Funny thing is, the Xampp default page and all it's links work just fine. From the admin computers I point the browser to: -- accesses the default Xammp page - no problems -- hangs on picture files -- hangs on picture files
(both cms's show waiting for files from
Is this a problem with the router's port forwarding (Linksys BEFW11S4),
or something that needs to be tweaked with apache? And why would Xampp's page and links work fine and not the cms's?
Keep in mind, any computer on the 192.168.xx.xx LAN can access everything with top speed by pointing to -
This is why i didn't think it was a directory permissions problem.
Sorry so long winded, but hope the detail helps..

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Postby Wiedmann » 03. October 2005 23:02

a) the XAMPP pages are working from both networks and
b) the cms is only working from one network
there must be a configuration error in your cms.

hangs on picture files

To find out the problem:
What URL use a browser from one network and what URL use a browser from the other network to acces such a picture?
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Postby duncann » 04. October 2005 22:34

Sorry for the confusion.... when i say picture files... I mean the graphic files that load for the main page of both cms's. The text of the main page is coming through after a long wait, but the graphics files on that page don't come through at all, and the browser just hangs.
I do agree that maybe i missed something in the setup/configuration of both cms's, but the question still lingers in my mind of why does it work just fine on the local LAN if it's a configuration problem?
I did some checking and noticed one immediate difference. All of Xammp's pages and files are contained in ../htdocs/xampp
- while Mambo cms loads its main pages from ../htdocs/mambo
- Mambo loads it images for all pages from ../htdocs/mambo/images.

This can't be a directory permissions problem, since i gave full permissions for all directories, and everything works fine on the local LAN.
But I will take your advice and double check my cms configuration again.

Once again,


p.s. to answer your question.. from the "shop" computers: -- Xampp pages work great -- Mambo CMS pages all work great --OSCommerce pages all work great

....from the "admin" computers: -- Xampp pages work great -- text loads very slowly, no graphic files, hangs -- text loads very slowly, no graphic files, hangs
...hope that helps
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Postby Wiedmann » 04. October 2005 23:43

when i say picture files... I mean the graphic files that load for the main page of both cms's.

I mean that files too.

Ok, let me try a better question: -- Mambo CMS pages all work great
... -- text loads very slowly, no graphic files, hangs

If you open the URI "" you see no pictures. You see an "X" (placeholder) instead?

With right click on a "X" and "properties" you can see the URI for that missing picture. Or you can open the HTML source in your browser and look at the IMG tag for that missing picture.

This is the URI you should compare between a shop and admin pc.
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Postby duncann » 05. October 2005 16:09

I checked this out...
The missing pics files show the same URL from both the shop and admin computers...

So, from the shop LAN...this is no's a local address.
From the Admin has no idea where is. Is that what's happening? I should be seeing from the admin computer the address , right?
If so... does that still fall under the cms configuration, or something to tweak in apache perhaps?
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Postby Wiedmann » 05. October 2005 16:11

f so... does that still fall under the cms configuration, or something to tweak in apache perhaps?

This is problem with the cms configuration or with the cms source code.
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