Migration from XP/IIS 5.1/MySQL/PHP5.0.3 to XAMPP for Window

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Migration from XP/IIS 5.1/MySQL/PHP5.0.3 to XAMPP for Window

Postby Philip G. Duffy » 07. April 2005 18:40

I have successfully installed XAMPP under Linux and then attempted an XAMPP installation under Windows XP.

1) Why does XAMPP install by default into \apachefriends directory instead of \xampp as described in the documentation? Does this suggest that there will be other offerings from Apache Friends in the future that parallel XAMPP?

2) I have successfully started Apache and MySQL and reached the XAMPP Splash screen. Furthermore, Status suggests no glitches - hooray! However, I have to temporarily backtrack to the old IIS environment occasionally. I recognize this is a little out of scope but does anyone know how to do that?

Many thanks.

Philip G. Duffy
Philip G. Duffy
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Location: West Chester, PA, USA

Re: Migration from XP/IIS 5.1/MySQL/PHP5.0.3 to XAMPP for Wi

Postby skuipers » 10. April 2005 10:28

Philip G. Duffy wrote:However, I have to temporarily backtrack to the old IIS environment occasionally. I recognize this is a little out of scope but does anyone know how to do that?

Why don't you just install all your IIS applications in htdocs? Then you do not have to "backtrack to IIS" anymore.
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Migration from XP/IIS 5.1/MySQL/PHP5.0.3

Postby Philip G. Duffy » 11. April 2005 01:13


Thanks for your response. That makes sense to me.

Philip G. Duffy
Philip G. Duffy
Posts: 21
Joined: 10. February 2005 17:55
Location: West Chester, PA, USA

Postby prathapml » 14. April 2005 23:14

That's one possibility.

You could also have both Apache and IIS running at the same time.
This is by running them on different ports. Since changing the IIS port would damage the apps running on it right now, it will have to be Apache that accommodates to it.

Go to:
Code: Select all
(open it in notepad or wordpad)
Scroll down to it, or do a find (Ctrl+F) for this:
Code: Select all
Listen 80
Change the "80" to "85" or whatever.... so that the Apache server of xampp runs on a different port now.

Therefore, you can now run IIS and Apache, both at once to do hatever comparing you want.
Code: Select all

Hoping this helps.....

Also, you may find that Apache is considerably more flexible/configurable, but all of that makes no purpose, since its too difficult anyway - configuration is text-based.
So I suggest something that gives the same ease as IIS management:
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Migration from XP/IIS 5.1/MySQL/PHP5.0.3 to XAMPP for Window

Postby Philip G. Duffy » 14. April 2005 23:44


That is an elegant solution. Thanks for your comment.

Philip G. Duffy
Philip G. Duffy
Posts: 21
Joined: 10. February 2005 17:55
Location: West Chester, PA, USA

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