Virtual Servers

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Virtual Servers

Postby thekingofcaseys » 03. April 2005 22:25

I know there have been many posts with regards to virtual servers but after reading and implementing the actions i am still unable to work it out could someone please post instructions on how to set up multiple domains using a static IP address from my pc.

So i would like to go to the domain1 folder
and to go to the domain 2 folder and help would be appreciated.

Also does anyone know a free smtp server, I have mercury but cant seem to get it to send email
Posts: 50
Joined: 27. December 2004 15:38

Postby thekingofcaseys » 06. April 2005 00:33

See by now i would usually have figured it out but im stuck to hell with this, anyone out there no what to do
Posts: 50
Joined: 27. December 2004 15:38

Postby thekingofcaseys » 09. April 2005 12:52

well once again i decided to look into it myself with the help of google and a little bit of time and i managed to do it again without anyones help. Maybe i should start my own apache forum offering help ill be a genius by the end of the year
Posts: 50
Joined: 27. December 2004 15:38

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