Murcury Setup

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Murcury Setup

Postby marcfeather » 07. March 2005 20:36

I am running the XAMMP for windows and I have every plugin running but MURCURY / 32. Any help on setting thids up would be great. I have read many threads on this but it is really confusing to me. I dont know why the rest of it was so simple to me.

I have 7 url's comming to me and I would like to setup an email accout fo each of them.

Thanks to all who make this possible to the public. You have done a great job on this XAMMP project. I would recomend it to anyone.

Athens, Ga 30605 :oops:
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Postby taustin » 07. March 2005 20:50

What do you mean by "7 URLs coming to me"?
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Postby marcfeather » 07. March 2005 20:54

and so on.

Am I wrong in thinking that you could create web mail accounts on this like

and so on

thanks for the reply
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Postby taustin » 07. March 2005 22:27

First, you have to make sure you have MX records set up correctly for each domain. This does not presently look to be the case. If you need help on that, I can advise. This is, BTW, the *last* thing you want to do, because once you change that, your present email settings will start to fail to work.

Second, you need to make sure you have incoming access to your server. If you are using some sort of router or firewall, you need to set up port forwarding on port 25, to your server. If you want POP3 access, so people can check their email from outside your local network, you need to do the same for port 110.

Then, you need to set up Mercury. In the Configuration menu, go to Mercury Core Module. On the Local Domains tab, add in all the domain names you want to receive mail for.

Then, on the Configuration menu, go to Manage Local Users. Here, you can add users.

Note that Mercury does not support true virtual domains. That means that and are the same local account. You can work around this by defining an alias that points to different local accounts, so can point to local user joe1, while can point to local user joe2. The Alias stuff is also on the Configuration menu.

Also note that Mercury does not run as a service, even on Microsoft server systems. That means the computer needs to be logged in for it to run. There are ways to make it work as a service, such as ntwrapper, or svrany, but they're all a kind of a pain in the butt to make work.

If you need a mail server to run as a service, or true virtual domains, I'd recomment you use hmailserver instead. It's also free, and in some ways superior to Mercury. Only reason I don't use it is because Mercury lets me write outgoing mail directly to the que directory from PHP without having to use SMTP.
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Postby marcfeather » 07. March 2005 23:24


Thank you so much for the reply...

I do understand that this is a service that only runs when my computer is powered on. I am running a dual p4 3.4g server with 2g ram running almost 24/7. this is not somethig at this moment that I would worry about up and running 24/7. this is just a project for me to learn something new. I use this for personal/friend/family web sites only. I have all of these domains and no email to go with them. If I can master this I would lean more to the hardware to support this 24/7.

I have been very exited that I have been able to get apache, PHP, Mysql running with little problems. I got lost there for about a day but then had it working. :D . I will take any pointers you can give me on this.

Before I mess with Mercury would you suggest that I do use hmailserver as my idea was to write outgoing mail directly to the que directory from PHP without having to use SMTP. I just dont want to get to deep in a program that will limit me.

One last note I do think that my ISP blocks port 25 only (why just this one???) I will check into that. Thought that would be a great FYI before getting to deep into the setup and finding out I cant because of port 25. Is it possible if 25 is blocked I can run just a POP3 service incoming and out going via port 110.??

Thank you again
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Postby marcfeather » 07. March 2005 23:25

one last thing not sure if it matters but i am running win server 2003 ENT.
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Postby jchapel » 08. March 2005 00:45

You've provided good info taustin, wish you were around when I set mine up.

You might want to add this bit of info from the folks who provide the Xampp Control Panel to your repertoire.

XAMPP Control Panel Features ... single mouse click. In addition, it even lets you run the XAMPP Control itself as a service, thus allowing you to start any module (including Mercury) as a service.

Xampp Control Version 2

I was going to see how this works this weekend. It appears it may be helpful.
J Chapel
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Postby marcfeather » 08. March 2005 00:51

I have used it now for a week and I love it. It all works - although Mercury will not satrt as a service ( greyed out). Although I do remember during the test I run before installing it on a good server I think Mercury did start as a service ( hum, not sure). When I try new things I do them on a system I dont mind crashing and when I get things working I just install on a good system and dup the settings.
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Postby taustin » 08. March 2005 00:52

Obviously, the computer has to be on to accept email. But NT/2000/XP/2003 also have what are called "services." These are programs that will run whether or not someone is logged in. Most programs won't; if you log out, they stop. Mercury is *not* a service, so you have to be logged in for it to run.

PHP supports SMTP on Windows, though it doesn't so it especially well. The easiest way to so outgoing mail through PHP and Mercury is to write the message as a file in the queue directory as a .101 file, with "glue headers." If you want to do that, you need to use Mercury. We'll cover just how later.

Do you know how to set up the MX records for the domains you want to receive email from?

On ports, many ISPs block outgoing port 25 traffic except to their own mail servers. This is to block outgoing spam from their customers, which would otherwise be a *major* problem. Depending on your ISP, they might be willing to unblock it if you ask, or they might not. If they're not, Mercury also supports "smart hosting," which means it sends all outgoing mail to your ISP's mail server, instead of directly. You'll have to talk to their tech support to find out which way you have to go. If you're only using it to experiment with, it might be better to just set up the MercuryC relaying client. (To do that, go to the Configuration menu, to Protocol Modules, and uncheck MercuryE, and check MercuryC. Then close Mercury and restart it. Then you can go to the settings for MercuryC and set it up.)

Most ISPs do *not* block *incoming* port 25, as a rule, so incoming mail shouldn't be a problem, unless they do so to prevent you from running your own server. (If they do this, you're screwed, unless they're willing to turn it off.) Mercury will run on any port, but if it's not on port 25, then other people's mail servers won't know how to get to your server.
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Postby marcfeather » 08. March 2005 01:21

Sorry, I couldn't find a mail exchanger or IP address. (#5.4.4)

this is the mes. I get from yahoo when I try to send a mes. to

as for the MX record I have it setup with ( = I have all domains going through them ( bought domains from yahoo- dns forward to zoneedit then zoneedit forwards it to my static ip)

I have followed your notes and made the changes you talked about. I did not change anything other than add the domain name (, then a user (marc). i did not create any ailases at this time thought I would get one working first.
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Postby marcfeather » 08. March 2005 01:24

hey ,

just thought of this. Is there a way to test ports for incoming and out going traffic?
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Postby marcfeather » 08. March 2005 01:35

i found this info on port 25 from my ISP. I think I understand this to be only for outgoing mail only.. Wich is not a problem. I dont mind sending via

Port 25 Filtering
Port 25 filtering is an effective means of reducing the amount of spam and viruses that come from the BellSouth Internet Services network. It prevents residential customers from sending e-mail through e-mail servers other than BellSouth. E-mail sent through servers is automatically filtered for SPAM. We have implemented Port 25 filtering to provide greater protection for you against spam.

Learn how Port 25 Filtering works to block SPAM


In order to send e-mail using an e-mail provider other than (Ex. Yahoo Premium Mail Service, AOL Main, MSN Premium Service, etc…) when Port 25 filtering has been enabled, you will need to set-up your e-mail client (Ex. Outlook Express, Outlook, Netscape Mail) to send outgoing e-mail through the SMTP server address.

I feel like this might be to advanced for me.. Maybe I should just setup my MX to forward all domains to each users (yahoo, aol, ISP,hotmail) accounts.
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Postby marcfeather » 08. March 2005 02:23

okay tell me if i am making any headway here... Got a new mes.

<>: does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 554 <>: Relay access denied
Giving up on
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Postby marcfeather » 08. March 2005 02:44

found this on zonedits page for

Mail Servers: Domain Server:
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Postby jchapel » 08. March 2005 02:56

I just got this from the email/smtp test utility at zoneedit

ERROR: Error connecting to host

If bellsouth is blocking this port try no-ip or zoneedit's mail services

no-ip has an alternate port service so you can use another port and get around bellsouth ingnorant port blocking
J Chapel
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