How I got eAccelerator encoded php files working with 1.4.12

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How I got eAccelerator encoded php files working with 1.4.12

Postby jchapel » 25. February 2005 00:48

Xampp 1.4.12 update. Yet another fine effort and compilation. Thanks to all involved for your efforts.

Without going into the benefits or disadvantages of server side encoding, I have eAccelerator optimizing, encoding, decoding and working with web based admin interface (for us NOOBS), using Xampp 1.4.12 under Windows XP with PHP 5 in safe mode. If anyone is interested in trying it or having trouble installing it, here what worked best for me.

I could not get the packaged eAccelerator module in the latest update to work for me. I would get this at startup.

Code: Select all
eAccelerator requires Zend Engine API version 20021010.
The Zend Engine API version 220040412 which is installed, is newer.
Contact eAccelerator at for a later version of eAccelerator.
Wed Feb 23 16:36:31 2005 notice Apache/2.0.53 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.0.53 OpenSSL/0.9.7e PHP/5.0.3 mod_jk2/2.0.4 mod_python/3.1.3 Python/2.3.3 configured -- resuming normal operations

and this when trying to stop service

Code: Select all
The instruction  at 0x6e701010 referred memory at 0x00000014 could not be read. Click OK to terminate.

I tried eAccelerator as PHP extension, as Zend extension, php safe mode On and Off, PHP 4 and 5, Zend optimizer on and off and a number of combinations. Always the same result Apache would freeze navigating site sometimes, and always freeze while trying to encode a file using web interface. Would not answer restart or stop. Hung in windows services until a boot.

Here is how I got finally got it working reasonably well with PHP 5.

1) Downloaded Windows binaries eaccelerator_win_5.0.3.dll and eloader_win_5.0.3.dll here

put them in your ..../apache/php/ext directory

2) Edit php.ini in apache/bin to disable Zend optimizer completely and enable eAccelerator with

Code: Select all
extension=eaccelerator.dll                                    <-- renamed with out version info
eaccelerator.shm_size = "0"
eaccelerator.cache_dir = "\tmp\eaccelerator"
eaccelerator.enable = "1"
eaccelerator.optimizer = "1"
eaccelerator.check_mtime = "1"

Note: Comment out or delete Zend entries - won't work with Zend

3) get source code with eAccelerator web admin php pages here

Unzip to accessible htdocs directory, preferably protected from public access or restricted to local IP.

4) restart apache

5) phpinfo should not report Zend and should show eAccelerator enabled.

To test:

call eaccelerator.php to view admin page
call encoder.php to encode files
call eaccelerator_password.php to protect eAccelerator php files (optional)

All might work with no lockups. Apache service did stop responding once trying to shut down but I was able to restart service without system boot. Still a little buggy, but apache service does not hang up any more and I have produced and served eAccelerator and PhpCoder encoded php. Error logs are clean.

If you need or want to experiment with expiring , restricted IP, or restricted server phps, download

PhpCoder eAccelerator port here:

PhpCoder also worked with this setup. eAccelerator encoder made a slightly smaller encrypted file than PhpCoder and Zend Encoder on same file if that’s any indication of performance.

Have not noticed any degradation in performance yet, maybe a little more pep even, don't know for sure.

Let's see how it goes from here... maybe the a few more releases will make this work for me with Zend optimizer.
J Chapel
The application server in my pocket runs on XAMPP
Posts: 25
Joined: 15. January 2005 09:32

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