from WINXP to linux via IIS

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

from WINXP to linux via IIS

Postby FrancescoRossi » 27. December 2004 16:17

Hi all!
Im absolutely new to linux, so I'm having some big troubles in installing XAMMP (which i know quite well in the Windows world!) on it.

I have Red Hat 9 installed. After i download the gz archive of xampp, I extract it into the /opt folder (which is UP torwards the root directory, am I correct?). I use ark for this, I assume there is no difference in doing it this way or with the command line, right?

After exctracting I just open the terminal window located in the opt/lampp dir.
and from there I digit
lampp start.

Unfortunately I'm returned with this error:
bash: lampp start unkwnown command


please help!
Last edited by FrancescoRossi on 28. December 2004 13:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Wiedmann » 27. December 2004 16:43

read the readme...

the command is:
/opt/lampp/lampp start

(not only "lampp start")
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Postby FrancescoRossi » 27. December 2004 17:11

hold on, that command is supposed to work when u're in the root directory.
what if I'm already in the opt/lampp directory?

I tried it doesn't work.
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Postby Oswald » 27. December 2004 19:16

Dear Francesco!

On a DOS system you're right, but on Unix systems it's a litte bit different: Unix system don't look (by default) after commands in the current directory. If you want to call a command in your current directory you need to prepend ./ to the command line.

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Postby FrancescoRossi » 28. December 2004 11:31

yeah, I'm definitely a newbie!
Infact I was forgetting the first / in the path! thank you all...

now unfortunately I have another question for you! And I know you're gonna see me as the Linux antiChrist! :D

My situation is the following one: the linux server I'm equipping is under a lan together with a WINXP system. And guess what? The WINXP system is acting as a proxy server to share the connection with the linux server.

Now comes the bad part. What i'm trying to do now is to redirect incoming connections to my WINXP system to the linux server, in the htdocs area.Speaking down to earth I want a webserver (the linux one) reachable from internet, but keeping it under the Windows XP system.Do you think it is possible? if so, how? I've tried with IIS but had no luck 'till now!
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Postby Maller » 29. December 2004 03:51

The WINXP system is acting as a proxy server to share the connection with the linux server.

I did that a couple of years ago, and find it´s a pretty bad idea. My advise would be, buy a switch, as most cable and dsl conntection comes with atleast 2 dynamic ip´s
Buying a switch will also save you alot of trouble.
If you really wanna share you connection via a proxy, i think you need to look at witch should come with debian.
Im still pretty new to linux, so hope this is correct, if not sorry...!

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Postby FrancescoRossi » 29. December 2004 11:04

thanks, any help is welcome!
Anyone else?
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