please help with sending emails for php nuke website

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

please help with sending emails for php nuke website

Postby Gabe » 03. December 2004 00:57

Hi everyone, I really need something that will send the emails out for php nuke, like the confirm emails for registration and whatever else php nuke does, so if someone can help me find the software I would really like it, I have a dymantec IP, and DSL 3.0 MBPS for download with 448 KBPS for upload. please help me
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Joined: 01. December 2004 23:00

Re: please help with sending emails for php nuke website

Postby taustin » 03. December 2004 01:53

Does PHPNuke have no provision for sending email, or are you having trouble getting Xampp to let it?
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Joined: 24. September 2004 00:23
Location: Huntington Beach CA

Postby Gabe » 03. December 2004 18:54

I got the mail stuff working, Iam using my ISP to send the mail. My next question is, I have apache config file so when I goto my site, it goes to the home folder wich has my sites home index and all the files, the problem is if I goto like, or /forum it doesent work, the just gives me like page could not be displayed or something.
Posts: 7
Joined: 01. December 2004 23:00

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