Howto redirect using XAMMP

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Howto redirect using XAMMP

Postby Richard Naninck » 29. November 2004 18:31


Sorry for writing this in English.
I run apachefriends and have succesfully integrated my own websites.
I also run other webservers (EMule Plus, LanSuite602 and I want to run Remotely Anywhere). All of these servers run on their own TCP Port.
Now I redirect these webservers directly in my hardware router, but I want to redirect these webservers from within apache.
That way the only open TCP Port would be port 80 or an other HTTPS port. Whatever I try, all of my redirects fail. I read the apache man pages etc etc. I find things about ProxyPass etc and tried just about everything.
Now I found something about what is written below:

# ProxyRequests off
# ProxyPass /emule/ http://localhost:4711/
# ProxyHTMLURLMap http://localhost:4711 /emule

# <Location /emule/>
# ProxyPassReverse /
# SetOutputFilter proxy-html
# ProxyHTMLURLMap / /emule/
# ProxyHTMLURLMap /emule /emule
# RequestHeader unset Accept-Encoding
# </Location>

The above example needs mod_proxe_html, but I can only find the source fof this module. I am unsuccessfull in compiling this code myself.

My redirects always bring me back to my startpage on port 80. I get as far as the login screen of lets say Emule, but as soon as I log in, I get back to my startpage.

What do I need to do to get these redirects to work?
Is there someone out there who has done this and is there another simple way to make this work.

Many thanks,

Richard Naninck
Posts: 5
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Location: NL

Postby Wiedmann » 29. November 2004 19:31

mod_proxy is allready included in XAMPP.
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Postby Richard Naninck » 30. November 2004 14:59

I Know mod-Proxy is already installed, but mod_proxy_html is a different module that needs to bee loaded. That module mod_proxy_html" is not already installed.
On the following link a good example of how to fix my problem is described, but I miss the html proxy!
mod_proxy: The core module deals with proxy infrastructure and configuration and managing a proxy request.
mod_proxy_http: This handles fetching documents with HTTP and HTTPS.
mod_proxy_ftp: This handles fetching documents with FTP.
mod_proxy_connect: This handles the CONNECT method for secure (SSL) tunneling.
mod_cache, mod_disk_cache, mod_mem_cache: These deal with managing a document cache. To enable caching requires mod_cache and one or both of disk_cache and mem_cache.
mod_proxy_html: This rewrites HTML links into a proxy's address space.
mod_headers: This modifies HTTP request and response headers.
mod_deflate: Negotiates compression with clients and backends.
Richard Naninck
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Postby Wiedmann » 30. November 2004 15:34

Sorry, i didn't read your post carefully enough...

"mod_proxy_html" is a third-party module and only avaible as (Linux-) source code. I haven't recognized any Windows binary yet.

But, in normal situation, there is no need to use "mod_proxy_html". Also with reverse proxy and/or "mod_rewrite".
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Rewite rules

Postby Richard Naninck » 30. November 2004 15:45

So how can I get my EMUle server to work.
On Linux it worked for me with MLDonkey, but using the same pricipal brings me back to "/" which is my startpage.
I guess after logging in to EMule, EMule also reverts to /, but apache doesn't rewrite the html requests or so. The same happens with all other webservers I try to integrate.
Do you have a good example of what should work. I might try that and get back to you with my output / findings.


Richard Naninck
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Postby Wiedmann » 30. November 2004 16:46

At home i make this with a (namebased) vhost:
Code: Select all
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName edonkey:80

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteLogLevel 0

    RewriteRule ^/(.*)$    http://localhost:4711/$1    [P]
    ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:4711/
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Rewrite rules

Postby Richard Naninck » 30. November 2004 17:59


This puts me in Emule right away without being able to see my startpage first. So your example only works if I just want to run the emula server and nothing else.
If I use the below example I can log in, but as soon as I go to an emule option, it puts me back to my own startpage.

which should be http://localhost/emule/?ses=21640596&w=search

ServerName emule:80

RewriteEngine on
RewriteLogLevel 0

RewriteRule /emule/(.*)$ http://localhost:4711/$1 [P]
ProxyPassReverse /emule/ http://localhost:4711/

Also in your example I can only use one server, but I have at least three running. Also Lansuite602/mail and /admin need to be rewritten via my localhost/index.htm

So I need something that puts all of emule to http://localhost/emule/ and not to http://localhost/. That way I should be able to also use http://localhost/mail

Thanks for working this out with me!

Richard Naninck
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Still No luck!

Postby Richard Naninck » 05. December 2004 12:50

Unlinke Linux, windows programs have lots of independant webservers. Is everybody just redirecting in the hardware router, or is there somebody out there that has my problem worked out already???? If so, please share it with me.

Richard Naninck
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