WordPress Code Manager - ways to enhance your WordPress-Site

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WordPress Code Manager - ways to enhance your WordPress-Site

Postby unleash_it » 05. March 2024 17:41

WordPress Code Manager - effortless way to enhance your WordPress site.

from time to time we present ways to add more features and functions to your Wordpress-site:

today: some preseiontation of methods & ways to add nice plugins ...

Code Snippets provides an effortless way to enhance your WordPress site.
Version: 3.6.2 Last updated: 1 month ago Active installations: 900,000+ WordPress Version: 5.0 or higher Tested up to: 6.4.3 PHP Version: 7.4 or higher Languages: Tags: codefunctionsmultisitephpsnippets
Code Snippets provides an effortless way to enhance your WordPress site.
Upgrade to Code Snippets Pro for complete CSS, JavaScript, Gutenberg, Elementor and cloud synchronisation integrations. Elevate your snippets experience now!
Say goodbye to the hassle of tweaking your theme’s functions.php file and downloading endless plugins – Code Snippets simplifies the process!
A snippet is like a mini-plugin for your WordPress site, providing added functionality without the clutter.
Unlike other solutions that involve dumping code into your functions.php file, Code Snippets offers an intuitive graphical interface for seamless integration and real-time execution. Managing snippets is as easy as activating and deactivating plugins, only without the bloat and overhead

WPCode – Insert Headers and Footers + Custom Code Snippets – WordPress Code Manager By WPCode
https://wordpress.org/plugins/insert-he ... d-footers/
Version: 2.1.9 Last updated: 6 days ago Active installations: 2+ million WordPress Version: 4.6 or higher Tested up to: 6.4.3 PHP Version: 5.5 or higher Languages: tags: codecssfooterfunctionsphp

Insert Headers & Footers + Full WordPress Code Snippets Plugin
WPCode (formerly known as Insert Headers and Footers by WPBeginner) is the most popular code snippets plugin for WordPress used by over 2 million websites.
We make it easy for you to add code snippets in WordPress without having to edit your theme’s functions.php file.
Our simple insert headers and footers interface allows you to insert code like Google Analytics, custom CSS, Facebook Pixel, and more to your WordPress site’s header and footer as well other areas of your website. No need to edit your theme files!
Aside from Header and Footer scripts, you can also use WPCode to insert custom PHP code snippets, JavaScript code snippets, CSS code snippets, HTML code snippets, and text snippets with full conditional logic support. We took the pain out of adding custom code snippets in WordPress and made it easy.

Insert PHP Code Snippet By xyzscripts.com
Features in Detail
Insert PHP Code Snippet allows you to create shortcodes corresponding to PHP code snippets. You can create a shortcode corresponding to any random PHP code such as ad codes, login validation etc. and use the same in your posts, pages or widgets. The shortcodes generated using the plugin are easily available as a dropdown in the standard wordpress content editor as well as in widget settings, thereby giving you ease of integrating your PHP snippets with your posts and pages.
Version: 1.3.5 Last updated: 4 weeks ago Active installations: 100,000+ WordPress Version: 2.8 or higher Tested up to: 6.4.3 Tag: Add PHP

Favorite Woody code snippets – Insert Header Footer Code, AdSense Ads

Woody code snippets – Insert Header Footer Code, AdSense Ads
By Creative Motion, Will Bontrager Software, LLC
Version: 2.4.10 Last updated: 10 months ago Active installations: 80,000+ WordPress Version: 4.8 or higher Tested up to: 6.2.4 PHP Version: 7.0 or higher Languages: Tags: adsensecode-snippetsheadershortcodewoocommerce
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Stop re-using the same content over and over again!
Stop inserting PHP code to function.php!
Stop adding google analytics, yandex metrics and external code to header and footer php files!
Stop wasting time on changing 100 pages with repeated content!

Woody Code Snippets will make your life so much easier. The plugin helps to create and store code snippets or duplicated text in a special library at the admin bar of your website. Use the shortcode to add a snippet anywhere on your website. Or do it automatically, for example: head, footer and post injections. You can show or hide code snippets using conditional logic.
Why do you need this plugin?

Insert Headers and Footers
Insert Google AdSense Ads, Amazon Native Shopping Contextual Ads, Yandex Direct Ads, Media.net on your website.
Insert Google Analytic Tracking code, Yandex Metrika Tracking Code, Yandex Counter to Header, Footer.
Insert PHP Code Snippets and execute on your website. Register PHP functions, classes, global variables everywhere.

Header Footer Code Manager By 99robots
https://wordpress.org/plugins/header-fo ... e-manager/
Version: 1.1.37 Last updated: 1 month ago Active installations: 500,000+ WordPress Version: 4.9 or higher Tested up to: 6.4.3 PHP Version: 5.6.20 or higher Languages: Tags:code managerfooterfunctions.phpheadersnippet

Header Footer Code Manager by 99 Robots is a easy interface to add snippets to the header or footer or above or below the content of your page.
Never have to worry about inadvertently breaking your site by adding code
Avoid inadvertently placing snippets in the wrong place
Eliminate the need for a dozen or more silly plugins just to add a small code snippet – Less plugins is always better!
Never lose your code snippets when switching or changing themes
Know exactly which snippets are loading on your site, where they display, and who added them

Add an unlimited number of scripts and styles anywhere and on any post / page
Manage which posts or pages the script loads
Supports custom post types
Supports ability to load only on a specific post or page, or latest posts
Control where exactly on the page the script is loaded – head, footer, before content, or after content
Script can load only on desktops or mobile. Enable or disable one or the other.
Use shortcodes to manually place the code anywhere
Label every snippet for easy reference
Plugin logs which user added and last edited the snippet, and when
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