Update just php (using DesktopServer)

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Re: Update just php (using DesktopServer)

Postby sideburn » 17. February 2023 17:12

Nobbie wrote:
sideburn wrote:DesktopServer is a one click wordpress setup tool.
You enter a virtual domain name (http://www.yoursote.dev.cc) and click go and you have a Wordpress base website ready for development.

I know and i find it a very poor demand. It takes me less than 5 minutes to setup a WordPress project including a virtualhost and all necessary configuration. And i can do this on every server in every environment.

sideburn wrote:the issue is that the php version on desktop server environment is outdated and would be nice to keep everything intact as is and simply update php

And the other issue is that DesktopServer has finished and you wont get any updates anymore. And you dont have any support for migrating from DesktopServer to native Apache Server / MySQL. You are stuck. Thats the high price you paid for the little convenience you had by using DesktopServer.

sideburn wrote:Otherwise, yes we either migrate all the websites (which will suck because of the MySQL database and domain names) to MAMP and XAAMP etc and stop using DTS. The wordoress database is strictly tied to the domain names.

Why "suck"? Its not very difficult to export / import databases. We will do this here.

sideburn wrote:DesktopServer uses some trickery to deal with SSL and creates domain.dev.cc domains

No, it probably does not use "trickery". There is no trickery with SSL. You have to create certificates and apply them to Apache as documented. This is not magic or trickery. It is simply basic knowledge of Apache. Which you usually acquire automatically if you don't use tools like DesktopServer, but read a bit the Apache documentation. "All beginnings are hard", but the more often you do it, the easier it gets in the long run.

Okeee dokeee. Always the arrogant one lol.

The “trickery” is it solves the issue of you to deal with ssl certs all together on local host because chrome doesn’t see it as an insecure domain.

when you have 100+ cloned websites in the existing working desktopserver xampp setup why bother spending all the time migrating to another lamp stack when DesktopServer currently works perfectly fine and the very low priority at the moment of the php version being out of date is pretty much a non issue. So it’s not that big of a “demand”.

I realize it’s not a big deal setting up a new Wordpress on a different server but will it’s a hassle.
A) create the domain and modify your hosts file and configure your php.admin etc.
b) install all of the Wordpress files and configure the MySQL database
C) run through the Wordpress setup process.
D) deal with all the crap that you forgot or issues that arise.

Or you could a) click “new site” in DesktopServer and type in your desired domain name and click go and start coding in vscode and gettin real work done.

I saw this post and figured if someone’s already found a solution or knows where the location of the php version is in the xampp environment then cool. Otherwise I’ll deal with it later.
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Re: Update just php (using DesktopServer)

Postby Nobbie » 17. February 2023 20:23

sideburn wrote:when you have 100+ cloned websites in the existing working desktopserver

Yes - of course. Why only 100+? Thousands! Millions! Trillions! You are the superduperman of the WWW. Wow, i am really impressed.

sideburn wrote:I saw this post and figured if someone’s already found a solution or knows where the location of the php version is in the xampp environment then cool. Otherwise I’ll deal with it later.

Nice to hear, so you dont need any support. Fine. Have a good day.

P.S.: Why did you do "UHHHHG!"??
Last edited by Nobbie on 17. February 2023 20:28, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Update just php (using DesktopServer)

Postby Valkrider » 17. February 2023 20:25


I would still like to update mine if you are still prepared to help me.
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Re: Update just php (using DesktopServer)

Postby Nobbie » 17. February 2023 20:29

Valkrider wrote:I would still like to update mine if you are still prepared to help me.

Of course, please answer the questions before.

P.S.: You could also ask "sideburn", he has 100+ projects and knows how to migrate. As far as he said.
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Re: Update just php (using DesktopServer)

Postby Valkrider » 17. February 2023 21:21

I did answer them on page 1 of this thread
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Re: Update just php (using DesktopServer)

Postby Nobbie » 17. February 2023 22:17

Valkrider wrote:7 No /private folder No hosts file in the /etc folder

Please find out where MacOS stores the hosts file. I dont have MacOS and cannot help on this. There MUST be a location for it.
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Re: Update just php (using DesktopServer)

Postby Valkrider » 17. February 2023 22:30

This is the hosts file in the main folder

# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting. Do not change this entry. localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost
fe80::1%lo0 localhost

### Begin DesktopServer - do not edit this and proceeding lines ### svg.dev.cc gentest.dev.cc mccinspain.dev.cc mh-blog.dev.cc fhugkb.dev.cc awgb.dev.cc awgb1.dev.cc
### End DesktopServer - do not edit this and preceeding lines ###
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Re: Update just php (using DesktopServer)

Postby Nobbie » 17. February 2023 22:41

Ok, so we already found the host entrys made by DesktopServer.

At next we need to find out, which VirtualHosts have been created. You will find the entries in httpd-vhosts.conf.
If i got it right, DesktopServer also creates Databases with the same names as the Domains?
Did DesktopServer also create MySQL Users, one for each Database? Or only one "master" user?
We also need to know the password(s) of the User(s).
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Re: Update just php (using DesktopServer)

Postby Valkrider » 17. February 2023 22:44

Yes to all that as per my post with the links to the files and screenshots on my google drive

The passwords are only in the wpconfig files for the databases
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Re: Update just php (using DesktopServer)

Postby Nobbie » 18. February 2023 00:31

Ok, we will continue tomorrow, i go to bed now.
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Re: Update just php (using DesktopServer)

Postby Valkrider » 18. February 2023 13:05

Nobbie wrote:Ok, we will continue tomorrow, i go to bed now.

Thanks I did the same.
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Re: Update just php (using DesktopServer)

Postby Nobbie » 18. February 2023 13:30

Ok, i have downloaded the conf.zip and looked into httpd-vhosts.conf. You actually should also look into that. As you can see, the DocumentRoot for the projects (thats where the WordPress scripts are stored) are not in /Applications/Xampp/htdocs, but instead in your Home folder /Users/colinspencer/Sites. If you have a project "svg" for example, we have the following setup:

Projectname svg
Databasename (MySQL/MariaDB) svgDBxxxx (where xxxx is a random four letter code, probably generated by DesktopServer)
Domainname svg.dev.cc
DocumentRoot /Users/colinspencer/Sites/svg

We still have to find out the MySQL User / Password for each database. You should find the credentials for the database in the wp-config.php file of each WordPress installation, so for example in /Users/colinspencer/svg/wp-config.php. Would you please go for any project (it dont need to be svg, it can be any) and lookup the wp-config.php file for the database credentials. We then have all information we need for a single WordPress installation.

In future you may use the httpd-vhosts.conf (nearly) as given, if you want. But we can also move the files to a different DocumentRoot. But obviously you are running quite an old Apache version, in the configuration of the VirtualHosts you will find these two lines:

Code: Select all
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

This is outdated syntax for Apache 2.x, you should instead use this single line:

Code: Select all
Require All Granted

So if you want to keep the httpd-vhosts.conf in a newer Xampp installation, you MUST replace all instances of "Order allow deny" followed by "Allow from all" into "Require All Granted". But we can do this later on. First of all, you should go for a wp-config.php in order to find out the database credentials.
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Re: Update just php (using DesktopServer)

Postby Valkrider » 18. February 2023 14:08

Below are the appropriate lines from the wpconfigs. The SVG is not a WP site and has no database

define('DB_NAME', 'awgbDBz9qzo');

/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'awgbDBz9qzo');

/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'HsJ5GjuMXs');

define('DB_NAME', 'awgb1DBpr5da');

/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'awgb1DBpr5da');

/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'b0BehvKYgv');

define( 'DB_NAME', 'fhugkbDBgxodu');

/** MySQL database username */
define( 'DB_USER', 'fhugkbDBgxodu');

/** MySQL database password */
define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'P5cCzO9z6t');

define('DB_NAME', 'gentestDBnciqz');

/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'gentestDBnciqz');

/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'AjMda2B5Ps');

define('DB_NAME', 'mccinspaDBzziin');

/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'mccinspaDBzziin');

/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', '7yqILzCq3h');

define('DB_NAME', 'mhblogDBda2u8');

/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'mhblogDBda2u8');

/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'e6Hiar4xAz');
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Re: Update just php (using DesktopServer)

Postby Nobbie » 18. February 2023 16:10

So, the Usernames are the same as the database names. So finally we have everything we need - what do you want to do next? As far as I understand, you want to update your PHP version. BUT: you CANNOT update PHP in Xampp. Thats not supported by Xampp.

What we can do: We can install a brand new Xampp Version and try to integrate the existing WordPress Projects. As I dont want to destroy your working environment, do you have the option to install Xampp to another PC / Laptop or whatever? Do you have more than only one PC?

P.S.: You said, that "Desktopserver uses XAMP v 7.3.0. The PHP version is 7.3.1. My OSx is Monterey v12.6.1". But what about WordPress? Did you download WordPress separately, or did DesktopServer come with a WordPress installation? Which WordPress Release do you use? I am actually feared a little bit, that you also have an outdatet WordPress installation. It might get very difficult to update PHP to PHP 8.x, as WordPress may fail. On the other hand, if you update WordPress from an old to a new release, it might fail on PHP 7.x. Thats what we call "Huhn und Ei" Problem in Germany. I really hope, that your WordPress Installation runs with PHP 8.x. If not, we have a problem.
Last edited by Nobbie on 18. February 2023 16:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Update just php (using DesktopServer)

Postby Valkrider » 18. February 2023 16:20

No I am away at the moment so don't have another computer with me. However, it is not an issue as I have a backup at home that I can restore over if necessary. So happy to do whatever now on the laptop and if that works I can then do my desktop when I get back home.
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