Error starting "XAMPP" stack: ... ssh not accessible

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Error starting "XAMPP" stack: ... ssh not accessible

Postby xemka » 04. September 2019 17:20

Hello everyone!

I love using Xampp on windows because it's easy and fast. But now I have to work on OSX and nothing is easy as on windows...

I've spent many days working on a simple PHP project, everything was working but I wanted to try HTACCESS url rewriting and I had to modify httpd.conf.

Of course it's not easy with Xampp-vm because or permission and so on... then I had to use the terminal and chmod -r 777 the folder where httpd.conf is.
Xampp didn't respond anymore, I tried to relaunch it but no luck.

Now I get: Error starting "XAMPP" stack: cannot start stack ssh not accessible:

Then I've realized that Time machine can't help...
I can't mount the /opt/lampp volumes... I can't access to my php files :cry:

I apologize if this issue is already solved in this forum, I can assure you that I've spent some times looking for solutions before posting.

Please help, i'm devastated.

Thank you very much.
Posts: 3
Joined: 04. September 2019 16:42
XAMPP version: xampp-vm
Operating System: OSX 10.13.6

Re: Error starting "XAMPP" stack: ... ssh not accessible

Postby xemka » 05. September 2019 15:49

Good News Everyone!

After looking for informations in this forum, I've realized that I could use Time Machine to restore my Xampp-VM to its state before my huge mistake.

I've reached "~/.bitnami/stackman/" in the finder and restored the whole "stackman" folder.
Then I started Xampp-vm and now it works!!!

Remember guys: DON'T CHMOD -R 777 /opt/lampp/etc/
Don't do it!!!
Posts: 3
Joined: 04. September 2019 16:42
XAMPP version: xampp-vm
Operating System: OSX 10.13.6

Re: Error starting "XAMPP" stack: ... ssh not accessible

Postby andersjohansenn » 11. October 2021 14:24

I stumbled upon this thread last night when I managed to do the exact same mistake with CHMOD and wanted to share how I 'solved' this (rescue my files) without having a recent Time Machine backup in case it might be helpful for others.

Step 1:
Copy the virtual XAMPP machine (machine.qcow2) in terminal

$ cd .bitnami/stackman/machines/xampp/vm)

Now '$ open .' and move the 'machine.qcow2' file to e.g. downloads.

Step 2:
Delete the .bitnami folder.

Step 3:
Delete and re-install XAMPP.

Step 4:
Launch XAMPP and mount the image, then move machine.qcow2 file into '/opt/lamp/htdocs' using Finder.

Step 5:
Install qemu-utils and p7zip-full

'$ sudo apt-get install qemu-utils'
'$ sudo apt-get install p7zip-full'

Step 6:
Go into the 'htdocs' directory and convert machine.qcow2 to machine.iso with qemu

'$ cd /opt/lampp/htdocs'
'$ qemu-img convert image.qcow2 image.iso'

Step 7:
'Unzip' the .iso file

'$7z x image.iso'

That's it! If you '$ ls' now, you'll see your old files!

I then used 7z to make a Zip-backup folder with the old files, moved the 7z to my desktop, deleted and re-installed XAMPP. Cleared the new 'htdocs' and unzipped the file again.

This took me about half a night to figure out, so hopefully it will be useful for someone!
Posts: 2
Joined: 11. October 2021 14:02
XAMPP version: 8.0.11
Operating System: macOS Big Sur 11.6.1

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