xampp/tmp directory permissions

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xampp/tmp directory permissions

Postby inwisconsin » 29. June 2004 20:11

I have attempted to get two CMS written in PHP up and running (Mambo and TikiPro) however it seems that both inform me that PHP is unable to reach or write to /xampp/tmp. The directory is set to be writable to all.

Here is the warning message from both CMS:

Session save path .;c:\server\xampp\tmp, Unwriteable

Support at TikiPro states that I may need to change the open_basedir setting in php.ini, however this restriction kills all other applications on the server.

What are some of my options in this case?

I greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
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Postby bensky » 21. November 2004 17:32

Have you found a way to make the tmp dir writable? Or any other directory writable? It seems that xampp has restricted writable permissions to all folders in htdocs. I cannot change it to writable in windows, it switches back to read only every time i try. Any ideas? Please advise thanks!
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Postby Wiedmann » 21. November 2004 19:40

Directorys are allways writable in Windows.

it switches back to read only every time i try. Any ideas? Please advise thanks!

check mark / white background --> Windows mean: not writable
check mark / gray background --> Windows mean: don't know
no check mark / white background --> Windows mean: writable
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Postby bensky » 21. November 2004 20:03

Thanks for the reply! I get a gray background with check in the read only box when i right click on the folder and choose properties. Everytime I uncheck it, and click ok, it checks the box again. Any ideas?
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Postby Wiedmann » 21. November 2004 21:00

Everytime I uncheck it, and click ok, it checks the box again

That's normal!

What's your real problem?
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Postby bensky » 21. November 2004 21:27

Sorry if I left out some details :oops: :
i am trying to install a mailing list manager which requires write access to the folder it is in, but everytime i tried to make that folder writable, it still remains unwritable and I cannot run the installation script. Please help, thanks!
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Postby Wiedmann » 21. November 2004 21:57

and I cannot run the installation script

Why? You got an error message?

am trying to install a mailing list manager

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Postby bensky » 21. November 2004 22:08

Opps, left that out again. Sorry!

The name is for the manager is webinsta, and the installation script keep saying that the folder it is in cannot be written. Any ideas?
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Postby Wiedmann » 21. November 2004 22:17

that the folder it is in cannot be written

That is the exact message?

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