Wplinkspage: create a dynamic link gallery with screenshot

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Wplinkspage: create a dynamic link gallery with screenshot

Postby unleash_it » 04. April 2021 08:11

Wplinkspage: create a dynamic link gallery with screenshots of each link


Von Robert Macchi :: http://www.wplinkspage.com/contact/

meta: version: 4.6 Zuletzt aktualisiert:vor 4 Monaten Aktive Installationen:6.000+ Getestet bis:5.6.2 Sprache:English (US) Schlagwörter:link directorylinkslinks pagewp-link

A WordPress plugin that allows you to create a dynamic link gallery with screenshots of each link. It will automatically create screenshots of each link and save you from creating a hardcoded links page or finding images for each site. It allows sites to create link displays with several different views. The screenshots for the links can be updated on a set schedule or with the click of a button. Links can be added and edited in the same way you add and edit posts.

Create a dynamic link gallery with screenshots of each link.
Links can be displayed in a grid or list with title and description.
Screenshots can be updated on schedule or on command.
A shortcode is provided to showcase your links anywhere on your site.
Links can be added, and edited in the same way you add posts or pages.
The link sceenshots give you the opportunity to showcase your content.
The shortcode options gives you a way to display your links wherever you want them.
Set the number of columns for your grid from two to six columns.
Your choice of the screenshot refresh rate: Twice Daily, Daily, Every two days, Weekly, Monthly.
Customize your link titles.
We are here help answer any questions. Please contact us at http://www.wplinkspage.com/contact/

Visit the All Links section of the dashboard to add and edit the links.

Add links by entering the Link URL, description, and generating a screenshot. Click Publish to create your link.

You may edit the link or description with the edit button, make sure you click save to keep your changes.

Clicking the ‘Update Screenshots’ button on the this page can take several minutes depending on your connection. Please be patient while it retrieves new images. If for some reason it does not automatically refresh when completed, simply refresh the page to see the new images.
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