Tell us what you think about vm

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Tell us what you think about vm

Postby silver5 » 15. April 2020 09:32

I am not really happy with this at all.

When I first got into web development a few years ago, XAMPP was really straight forward: install and go. I took a couple of years off to go back to college and now this VM version is way too technical. I cannot access my files unless I start up the vm. I had a ton of work started on a website that I now have to rebuild because the databases are stored in unknown files and I have no clue how to get them into vm. I know I could probably click and drag the folders, but which ones and where are they? Tried to install the last native version available, but since there is no uninstaller for the outdated version (and they all have the same name in the application folder) I have no clue which ones to drag to the trash... or how to completely uninstall them. I did read to go into some .bitami idea how to find it.

But the biggest problem I have is that the vm must be running to access my html and php text documents. There is no folder to access them when the vm is off.

I know a lot of you may be really advanced and think this isn't a big deal, but at the moment I feel like I need to go back to college to pursue an IT degree just to use xampp and I'm very frustrated. And there is no help I can find--and understand--to help get all my files back to a usable state.
Posts: 1
Joined: 15. April 2020 09:12
XAMPP version: 7.4.4
Operating System: Catalina 10.15.4

Re: Tell us what you think about vm

Postby Nobbie » 15. April 2020 19:37

silver5 wrote:I am not really happy with this at all.

Yes - i dont recommend using VM from the very beginning.

The good news: you can still download and install the "normal, straight forward" version. For an unknown reason, Bitnamit does not call the versions "VM" and "non-VM" anymore (they did in the beginning), but if you go to the Xampp download site, there are plenty of files, the "smaller ones" are the "normal" installations, the bigger ones are the VMs. Simply choose a normal version. And forget VM....
Posts: 13220
Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Tell us what you think about vm

Postby Nobbie » 15. April 2020 19:42

silver5 wrote:I did read to go into some .bitami idea how to find it.

Its the ".bitnami" folder in your home folder. Folders and files starting with a dot usually are hidden in your explorer. I dont know MacOS, but there *should* be an option in your explorer to show hidden files. If you cannot find it, you may also simply start a terminal and enter this command:

Code: Select all
sudo rm -rf ~/.bitnami

Be carefull, if you have a typo, you might destroy your installation! You are asked for your password after issueing that command. To be safe, you should copy and paste the above line. If you enter it via keyboard, you might do a typo.
Posts: 13220
Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Tell us what you think about vm

Postby thinsoldier » 24. March 2022 09:39

silver5 wrote:But the biggest problem I have is that the vm must be running to access my html and php text documents. There is no folder to access them when the vm is off.

This also concerns me. I have used a vagrant vm before and the laravel vm (which I think also uses vagrant) and they map a native folder to be the htdocs folder within the VM. I installed the php8 xampp last year but didn't figure out where on my native disk to put my files so they would be read by the VM, and didn't touch xampp again for a year. I'm currently waiting for the latest xampp to download and I'm really hoping to find an answer to this problem this time.
Posts: 18
Joined: 19. November 2013 19:38
Operating System: Mavericks Mac OS X

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