XAMPP on Linux RH9

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

XAMPP on Linux RH9

Postby cjseyfried » 12. June 2004 18:17


I recently installed Linux as a second O/S. I have previously used Apache for Win2k by installing Apache Triadpass, so I am fairly familiar with Apache.

I extracted the XAMPP tar into opt as specified, started it, and it ran without any problems, Apache starts, mysql starts ssl, etc.

BUT, when I go to http://localhost I get a Forbidden, you do not have access. I copied in my .htaccess and .htpasswrd files from Apache win, and palces them where I thought they should be. But, no matter what I do I can not get the premission problem solved.

One thing that my complicate things, I run Linux as ROOT. I am the sole user, and the installation is not open to the internet, and will not be for some time. I originally setup Linux with a root and cjseyfried account, and was using it from the cjseyfried account. But, it became such a pain in the butt to keep switching back and forth. I am used to running win2k pro as administrator so I was hoping I could do the same in Linux.

Any help. I am just using Apache, etc. to teach myself http webserver NOT as an actual public webserver. When I do go public it will be from a hosted website, not my own computer. I do not have the resources to host a server.

I really do not want to have to run from a non-root account. I've got virus protection through f-prot, a firewall and mailscanner checking e-mail. I am quite savy as far as virus and other threates are concerned, so I do not see any reason I could not run from root. :D
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Postby daxim » 12. June 2004 21:31

Do you get Forbidden right after installing XAMPP or have you already made some modifications to the configuration files or files in the DocumentRoot?

I have to disabuse you of the notion that running as root all the time will work out. It won't do you any good, as a lot of programs are written with dropping privileges as soon as possible in mind, as good security practise dictates. So... don't do it. :p

Regarding login switching, this is rather counter-productive. That's what the su (substitute user) command is for!

Change from current login to root:
cjseyfried:~> su
This also asks for the root password.

Same as above, but additionally spawn a new shell:
cjseyfried:~> su -
This also asks for the root password.

Change to a specific login:
cjseyfried:~> su games
This also asks for the password for account "games".

Return to original login:
# exit
Remember to give up being root as soon as you don't need the extended privileges any more.

When you only want to run one command with escalated privileges, use sudo. (Windows' equivalent program is named "runas", maybe you are familiar with it.) For that, the sudo package needs to be installed, and you need to have a permission in the /etc/sudoers file like this:
cjseyfried ALL=(ALL) ALL

For example, to run updatedb, which needs root privileges:
cjseyfried:~> sudo updatedb
This asks for the password for the cjseyfried(!) account, or not at all, depending on the configuration above.
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Postby cjseyfried » 12. June 2004 23:46

I got the Forbidden as soon as I went to access the localhost after installation. So except for dropping in some .htaccess files and 1 .htpasswrd file I have not changes anything.

I will take your advice as to running as root since I am new to linux and appreciate the feedback. I have installed a good amount of apps as root, with ownership root user, cjseyfried group. I setup the cjseyfried user to be a member of the root group, and the root user to be a member of cjseyfried group.

Since thie purpose of all this is to learn how to use Linux, making whatever changes I need to will be a part of my learning experience. I am trying to switch completely from win2k to linux.

Thanks for the advice.

Curtis :D
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Postby cjseyfried » 12. June 2004 23:56

Is there an easy way to copy my root desktop to my cjseyfried desktop ? Or do I have to create it manaually. The folder root/desktop does not have all of the folders, icons and launchers I setup.
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Postby daxim » 13. June 2004 20:53

I don't know then why you get Forbidden. Normally you should see either the XAMPP splash screen or the default Apache message "It Worked! The Apache Web Server is Installed on this Web Site!".

You can copy the files over. Set whatever file manager you use for copying to show hidden files (they all start with a dot). Afterwards change user and group ownership of all directories and files in the new user's home directory to the new user.
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XAMPP ON RH9 continued

Postby cjseyfried » 13. June 2004 23:31

Tahnks for the assistance. I am getting the feeling that except for the fact everyone hates microsoft that Windows is much easier to deal with by far.

So, I took your advice, deleted the Xampp installation in /opt. Logged on as cjseyfried, re-extracted the Lampp into opt and ran /opt/lampp/lampp start. Got told I have to start Apache as root, typed su, then root password. Re-typed /opt/lampp/lampp start. Got no such file or directory. Well I was sort of expecting this since when I extracted the xampp compressed file, it extracted into xampp-linux-1/lampp. But, I thought this was workied into the process and did not want to fiddle with anything.

So, I copied the /lampp out directly into /opt, entered su, root password, /opt/lampp/lampp start. Everything starts OK. Well, this looks good.

Open my web browser type in http://localhost I get a 505 internal server error.

This is really not funny anymore. At least before when I installed it a root, and ran it as root I only got Forbidden and would have had to spend inumerable hours figuring out out to set the proper privilidges to suit Linux and Apache.

Well, I definetly do NOT know enough about Linux OR Apache to figure out Internal Errors, especially when they do not even say what the heck thet are.

When I installed Apache Triad in Windows, it installed itself, did not care that I was the administrator, I setup usernames and passwords for the installation as a part of the setup process, that were independent of what ever logon I had on my PC.

When I started it, it worked. The only problem I had was that it had forced me to install it on my C:/ drive, which I reserve for the O/S Only, so I moved it manually to my F:/ drive, changed all the path statements in all the config files and it STILL Woirked.

No, Forbidden to use your own computer apps on your own computer, with whatever logon, in whatever directory you wanted.

I had sort of figured on abandoning Win2k pro in favor of Linux, because I really hate Microsoft, and also because even though I installed Linux on a completely seperate HD, and specifically told it to leave win2k and its drive alone, in the process of installing Grub boot loader on the Linux Drive, it blew out the MBR record on my Win2k drive.

After re-installinf WinNT4, then the upgrade to win2k pro, then re-installing ALL my apps I had finally had it with MS, but in doing something in my Linux installation I corrupted the network files and did a clean install of linux, and it blew out my win2k MBR record, so I thought I'd just stay with linux. I have the NTFS driver in linux so I can access my NTFS win2k drives Data, and have installed Wine in linux, so I can use some win apps in linux.

But, this is getting a bit pathetic, this with Apache and the Java VM, that is recognized as being there by java linux apps with self installers, but always goes brain dead when I try to actually use one of those apps, even when I hand right CLASSPATH's, JAVA_HOME's and every other bit of work arounds I've learned over the years in windows.

Right now I feel like just throwing out PC's in general, all O/S's, except I need them for work. Even MACS are not what they used to be years ago, they currently have just as many problems as any of the others, and since they cost you more to pruchase, run, upgrade, add perifirals, etc. it is not worth paying extra money for the same, but different problems.

Sorry, to rant, but this is a bit pathetic.

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Postby cjseyfried » 13. June 2004 23:53

This is the error log

Sun Jun 13 18:00:48 2004] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /opt/lampp/bin/suexec)
[Sun Jun 13 18:00:49 2004] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Sun Jun 13 18:00:49 2004] [notice] Digest: done
[Sun Jun 13 18:00:50 2004] [notice] Apache/2.0.49 (Unix) mod_perl/1.99_13 Perl/v5.8.4 mod_ssl/2.0.49 OpenSSL/0.9.7d PHP/4.3.7 DAV/2 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Sun Jun 13 18:01:23 2004] [error] [client] need AuthName: /
[Sun Jun 13 18:01:45 2004] [error] [client] need AuthName: /
[Sun Jun 13 18:05:55 2004] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Sun Jun 13 18:35:12 2004] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /opt/lampp/bin/suexec)
[Sun Jun 13 18:35:13 2004] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Sun Jun 13 18:35:13 2004] [notice] Digest: done
[Sun Jun 13 18:35:14 2004] [notice] Apache/2.0.49 (Unix) mod_perl/1.99_13 Perl/v5.8.4 mod_ssl/2.0.49 OpenSSL/0.9.7d PHP/4.3.7 DAV/2 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Sun Jun 13 18:35:36 2004] [error] [client] need AuthName: /
[Sun Jun 13 18:36:13 2004] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down

This is the access log - - [13/Jun/2004:18:01:23 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 500 686 - - [13/Jun/2004:18:01:45 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 500 686 - - [13/Jun/2004:18:35:36 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 500 686

ALL of the other logs have "0" input. Any help will be appreciated. I've calmed down now. I'm still hoping I can abandon Win2k and ALL Microsoft products for a Linux distro.

For this 1st experience in Linux I boutght a new 2nd HD 2X's the size of my win2k drive. Bought a set of installation and documentation CD's online, and sort of figured if this all worked out I'd spend the money and buy RH for the enterprise to get its stability and tech support.

I'll hang in there. If anyone needs any Windows assistance, just ask. I've used MS O/S's since DOS 2.01 on an 088 machine with 64K, yes that 64,000 RAM, and a 20 Meg., no not Gig, 20 megabyted HD, but then Wordperfect 4 for DOS only took up 4,000 bytes, yes 4Kb. You had to type every command and stare at a black screen with little green symbols and a little green flashing cursor.

I've taught myself everything I know about PC's and MAC's. Considering that usable, and affordable home, or office PC's are only really 15 years old, what we have today is pretty good. I'll at least live to see the 2030's if I do not get hit by a truck, so I can not even imagine what PC's will be then.

My grandfather said once when he was 94, that he had grown up in a world of horses and buggies, and oil lamps, and lived long enough to watch a man walk on the moon, live on a color TV in his livingroom. :P
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Postby Wiedmann » 14. June 2004 00:36

Starting from your first post:
I copied in my .htaccess and .htpasswrd files from Apache win, and palces them where I thought they should be.
So except for dropping in some .htaccess files and 1 .htpasswrd file I have not changes anything.

Did you use plaintext passwords (not possible with Linux) or passwords with md5/crypt encryption?

Have you changed the ".htpasswrd" path in the directive "AuthUserFile"?

Error code 500:
I think, you are use a directive for an inactiv modul in your htaccess file.
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XAMPP in RH9 continued

Postby cjseyfried » 14. June 2004 01:16

Originally I used the same .htaccess and .htpasswrd files from my win installation, they had MD5encryption.

When I removed the Xampp installation I did as "root" and replaced it with the installation I installed as cjseyfried" all of these files were removed. But, as I was writing this your comment got me to go back and look at my htdocs directory, the htaccess and htpasswrd files were in there because I copied the sub-directories from the default installed htdocs into one I had used before since it has all the php apps I want to use in it.

So I just removed the .htaccess and .htpasswd files and will re-start the installation and see what happens.

Thanks again for the assistance, hope I can return the favor sometime, or at least pass it on.

I'm primarily a disability supports and benefits advocate, specializing in psychiatric disabilitiy advocacy. Over the years I've had to learn computer skills to earn a living. Right now I have found some PHP apps I would like to use and make available to collegues. I'm trying to consollidate information on disability housing, medicaid, medicare and support programs that are either in hard copy, not online, or online, but in many different places. It makes it next to impossible for the average counselor to know what is out there so they can choose from what their clients are elligible for. I'm a very resourceful researcher, so I have been keeping notes every time someone mentions a program I haven't heard of, I research it, locate all the relevant information, and collect it on my PC. I would like to make all of this available to other counselors. So this is what I'm trying to do with all of this.

Curtis Seyfried
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Xampp in RH9 it works except for MySql Thanks

Postby cjseyfried » 14. June 2004 01:26

Okay, it works, my having left the .htaccess and .htpasswd files in htdocs accidently was the issue.

This is my 1st time seeing Xampp and it looks great. A lot of fine work went into this.

How do I activate mysql and PH P Turck MMCache ?

I do not need PHP extension OC18/Oracle
But, I have a number of apps that use MySql, once it is running I know how to create databases, tables, etc and set security in place.

XAMPP Status
This page offers you on one view all information about what's running and working and what's not.
Common Gateway Interface (CGI) ACTIVATED
Server Side Includes (SSI) ACTIVATED
PHP extension »Turck MMCache« DEACTIVATED see FAQ
PHP extension »OCI8/Oracle« DEACTIVATED see FAQ

Some changes to the configuration sometime may cause false negative status reports. :P :D :) :lol:
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Xampp on RH9 How to turn on mysql ?

Postby cjseyfried » 14. June 2004 02:22

I've gone through all of the configuration files, got MMTurck running, set passwords with the security application.

But, I can not see how to activate MySql.

I looked in the lampp file, but I would not know where to even look, never the less what to modify. I've modified http.conf files enough before to be familiar, and also php.ini and my.cnf ,

but still can't figure out how to start mysql except to do a seperate manual start of mysqld ?
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Xampp on RH9 - Mysql won't start

Postby cjseyfried » 14. June 2004 10:41

Well everything except mysql works fine. This is a really excellent installation.

When I try to start mysql manaually I get the following error message

ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
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Postby daxim » 16. June 2004 23:36

Needs write permission to create the socket: http://community.apachefriends.org/f/viewtopic.php?p=24145#24145

I liked your rant. Your chances of surviving the first year on Linux cold turkey increase by having regular face time with like-minded peers. ;)
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