Netbeans 8 Register MySQL Server with XAMPP

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Netbeans 8 Register MySQL Server with XAMPP

Postby CarlosFMeneses » 25. March 2016 02:46

I'm have been trying to figure out the settings to put into the MySQL Server Properties when I try to register a new MySQL Server in the Databases node of the Services tab in Netbeans IDE 8.1.

I can start Apache, ProFTPD, and MySQL database servers from the XAMPP Application Manager (, but I haven't been able to Connect/Start/Refresh/Disconnect from the contextual menu in the IDE.

I have tried various combinations of phpadmin, xampp, and mysqladmin paths in the Admin Properties with no avail. My default install puts the binaries in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/

So what paths do I put in those fields in Netbeans, and the associated arguments fields:
Path/URL to admin tool and any Arguments?
Path to start command and any Arguments?
Path to stop command and any Arguments?

[img]imgIsON[/img] XAMPP for OS X 5.6.19-0, MacOS 10.8.5, NetBeans IDE 8.1 complete

PS How do I attach an image?
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Joined: 25. March 2016 02:27
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Re: Netbeans 8 Register MySQL Server with XAMPP

Postby karlkras » 17. November 2017 08:25

wow, this is exactly the same question that I just posted to the netbeans forum. did you ever work this out?
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Joined: 13. October 2015 17:32
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