Why can i have multiple installations of xampp on linux?

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Why can i have multiple installations of xampp on linux?

Postby rjpijpers » 27. April 2017 16:37


Why can't I choose where to install xampp? :shock:
So i can make two installations of xampp, one with php 5.6 and one with php7

I just migrated from windows where it was very easy to do.
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Joined: 27. April 2017 16:31
XAMPP version: 5.6
Operating System: Linux

Re: Why can i have multiple installations of xampp on linux?

Postby Nobbie » 27. April 2017 20:19

Xampp for Linux comes with hardcoded pathnames, but via symbolic link you could run several installations. Anyway, running more than one installation is a waste of ressources, its quite easy and sophisticated to use virtualhosts for different projects, i.e for different PHP versions. You then might use as many PHP versions at the same time, what does not work if you use the cludgy solution by using two or more installations.

Therefore i cannot see any real disadvantage with hard coded pathnames, its all a question of an intelligently designed configuration.
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Re: Why can i have multiple installations of xampp on linux?

Postby tomasr » 22. October 2018 13:10

rjpijpers wrote:LS,

Why can't I choose where to install xampp? :shock:
So i can make two installations of xampp, one with php 5.6 and one with php7

I just migrated from windows where it was very easy to do.

You are right it is more systemic use case, but I didn't realise that, never. Could you explain, how to do it?
For example with xampp and PHP 5.6. How to get there PHP 7 and how call it within virtual host?
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Joined: 22. October 2018 10:27
XAMPP version: 5.6.36
Operating System: Linux mint 18

Re: Why can i have multiple installations of xampp on linux?

Postby entwisi » 21. January 2019 16:54

You actually can but it does take a little messing around. I use XAMPP at work and the rules of our organisation is that we cannot under any circumstances have root.. which obviously is a right PITA. I have got round this by installing on my linux laptop where i obviously do have root using defaults i.e. /opt/lampp then I copy the whole folder under my home directory ( or anywhere else that suits you ) I have to run separate webservers/DBs on different ports to host separate websites fronted by F5 hosted VIPS. once copied I set ports to non priv ( e.g. 8080/3306 and 8090/3307 for each of the instances ) then replace all fully qualified file paths in all plain text files, ( httpd.conf, my.cnf, mysql.server etc ) . I edit xampp script to remove the checkroot function and again set all paths etc ( I also disable FTP etc as I dont want that enabled for security ) . Takes me about 30-40 mins to rattle through the changes but from there I can run the whole thing as non privileged users and have at one point had 4 separate instances all running on the same VM.

This way it is even possible to have separate instances running different PHP/MariaDB versions etc so you can quickly and easily test your code against newer versions .

Posts: 4
Joined: 21. January 2019 16:43
XAMPP version: 7.3
Operating System: Linux

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