Subdomain setup help

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Subdomain setup help

Postby samstamport » 10. March 2017 16:56

I added the following line to my Windows 10 hosts file.

Code: Select all bd.local

I updated the httpd-vhosts file with the following code.

Code: Select all
<VirtualHost *:8080>
    DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/bd"
    ServerName localhost
    ErrorLog "logs/bd-error.log"
    CustomLog "logs/bd-access.log" common

I restarted XAMPP. When I type my subdomain name (http://localhost:8080/bd) into Chrome I get "The requested page "/bd" could not be found." When I type "localhost:8080" I get my home page, but none of the menu links work. I get "The requested page "/bd//section/mission-statement" could not be found." when I click the About link, for example.

Obviously I've coded something incorrectly. Can someone tell me what I did wrong?
Posts: 19
Joined: 31. March 2016 00:27
Operating System: Windows 7

Re: Subdomain setup help

Postby Nobbie » 10. March 2017 18:24

samstamport wrote: DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/bd"

This means, that localhost yields to c:/xampp/htdocs/bd (including ./bd already). Therefore:

samstamport wrote:http://localhost:8080/bd) into Chrome I get "The requested page "/bd" could not be found."

Yes of course, because already localhost includes the bd folder, so localhost/bd yields to c:/xampp/htdocs/bd/bd

Anyway, what do you mean by "subdomain"? There is no subdomain, you simply applied "localhost" as Servername (and also uses localhost). There is no use of bd.local anywhere?!? You dont need that entry in your hosts file.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Subdomain setup help

Postby samstamport » 10. March 2017 18:45

I was attempting to follow the instructions here,

According to I need a "subdomain" to make the image embed button in CKEditor generate the correct URL reference.
Posts: 19
Joined: 31. March 2016 00:27
Operating System: Windows 7

Re: Subdomain setup help

Postby Nobbie » 10. March 2017 18:57

samstamport wrote:I was attempting to follow the instructions here,

Really? Your httpd-vhosts.conf differs totally from that in the tutorial. You neither have applied three different VirtualHosts, nor have adapted any other Servername than localhost.

samstamport wrote:According to I need a "subdomain" to make the image embed button in CKEditor generate the correct URL reference.

No - you must have got that totally wrong. Nobody says "you need a subdomain" - there is a guy who works with a subdomain and want to use the CKEditor (i dont know that) in that environment, but there is no need.

I dont know what you are doing there, but it looks weird and useless.
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Re: Subdomain setup help

Postby samstamport » 10. March 2017 22:33

Your surly answer is not helpful to novices like me. You treat me like an idiot. I AM NOT AN IDIOT.

Please do not post again to this question. Hopefully someone else who has a better, more helpful attitude will be willing help.
Posts: 19
Joined: 31. March 2016 00:27
Operating System: Windows 7

Re: Subdomain setup help

Postby Nobbie » 11. March 2017 12:37

samstamport wrote:Please do not post again to this question.

Its on you to read it or not, it is not on you to decide who answers and who not.

samstamport wrote:Hopefully someone else who has a better, more helpful attitude will be willing help.

Good luck. A little hint: as long as you do not describe what you REALLY want to achieve, definately nobody will help you. Your "description" is simply a list of some actions, but it remains totally unclear, why and what you are doing there. And finally, it is a very bad idea simply to provide some links to foreign tutorials and to think, that we all will read that boring tutorials. I am pretty sure, you never ever would read a foreign tutorial for a third guy in order to explain that tutorial. That is crazy and it is definately beyond the scope of this (and every) forum.
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Re: Subdomain setup help

Postby samstamport » 11. March 2017 16:06

It's too bad that "apachefriends" is an oxymoron. You guys are so caught up in your arrogance that you think everyone besides yourself is an idiot. In psychology there is a term for this: narcissism. It is a personality disorder. You need professional help.

The Drupal guys are the same way. Thankfully, I found Backdrop CMS. Those folks are really helpful and polite. They do not assume that everyone is a genius. Unfortunately, they don't know much about XAMPP. That's why I posted here.
Posts: 19
Joined: 31. March 2016 00:27
Operating System: Windows 7

Re: Subdomain setup help

Postby Nobbie » 11. March 2017 17:08

samstamport wrote:You guys are so caught up in your arrogance that you think everyone besides yourself is an idiot.


I read your other postings here, just to be sure. Indeed, sometimes idiots are asking here.

samstamport wrote:The Drupal guys are the same way.

Of course. Thats what idiots believe: all the others are arrogant. Thats why idiots are idiots. They claim help for nothing and are to dumb for Google. And if they do Google, they cannot find anything. Even if it is the first hit, they cannot find it. But if the idiot finds something, its useless. Bad tutorials, incomplete, outdatet, not understandable. Everybody, the whole world is responsible for not applying appropriate help. Everybody is guilty - everybody but the idiot. He simply claims help and gets angry.

Always the same story...

Wake up, guy, get you some books, get you some videos, some turorials, some time. Its on you, not on us! Do you believe, i learned it another way? Then you are wrong.
Posts: 13221
Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

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