Help. Where to install Joomla Wordpress MANUALLY

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Help. Where to install Joomla Wordpress MANUALLY

Postby starhorsepax » 21. October 2016 15:53

I am trying to transfer copies of LIVE sites to xampp. I used to find this easy when using the 'default' mac server rather than xammp, but when my hard drive crashed I lost it all and figured xampp would be easier. Now though, I can't figure out how to install this stuff, all I get are options to go to bitnami. This is no good. These are real live sites, I install using akeeba backup/kickstart for Joomla and wordpress duplicator.

How can I do this in xampp? Usually it was just go to where I installed the files in the browser and hit the installer set up. But now it won't let me into the htdocs in the browser, even when it shows in the path clearly and I've put the files in. :oops: Surely there is a way without Bitnami?
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XAMPP version: 5.6.24
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.9.5

Re: Help. Where to install Joomla Wordpress MANUALLY

Postby JJ_Tagy » 22. October 2016 01:28

Yes. Install XAMPP pure (not the Wordpress or Joomla Bitnami packages) from the downloads page. Then, choose to restore from backup using a restore method or install fresh copies from the official sites and restore through their system.

Three major things to note:
1. Ensure you are using the XAMPP version which includes the Apache, MySQL and PHP versions which supports the Wordpress and Joomla versions you are installing.
2. Ensure you are getting the correct version of Wordpress and Joomla to match your existing sites.
3. Read up on how to reconfigure your sites from a live domain to a local domain - especially if you aren't transferring your domain name to your local server.
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XAMPP version: 5.5.15
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro x64

Re: Help. Where to install Joomla Wordpress MANUALLY

Postby Nobbie » 22. October 2016 11:21

starhorsepax wrote:But now it won't let me into the htdocs in the browser, even when it shows in the path clearly and I've put the files in. :oops:

What do you mean by that?? Usually, you do NOT specify any htdocs folder in your browser in order to access your server (i.e. your site), you have to fillin an URL instead (i.e. http://localhost for Xampp). You cannot put in full pathnames into the browser (it sounds, as if you did so).
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Re: Help. Where to install Joomla Wordpress MANUALLY

Postby starhorsepax » 04. November 2016 16:47

I installed the xampp DMG version. :/
And when I manually had the Mac server set up in the macbook (which honestly was easier if it didn't LOSE everything on a hard drive crash) I had to do localhost/accountusername to get to it, since Localhost itself was the root of the mac, not the root of local user account. Going to Localhost gets me the welcome to Xampp dashboard and everything in it redirects me to Bitnami.
Posts: 3
Joined: 21. October 2016 15:47
XAMPP version: 5.6.24
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.9.5

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