Install Apache+MySql automatically as service?

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Install Apache+MySql automatically as service?

Postby matthias-web » 04. April 2015 18:08


I want to install XAMPP 1.7.7. (ZIP version) on Windows 8.1 as service.
This works well using the Control Panel selecting Svc for Apache and MySql.

Is there a way to automatise this during installation? E.g. to add certain commands in the "xampp_setup.bat"?
The description on the XAMPP Win FAQ ( - "How can I install a server as a service?" with using
seems not to work (anymore).

Many thanks for kind cooperation!

With best regards,
Posts: 8
Joined: 21. February 2006 03:16

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