Browser cannot display web page for xampp or phpmyadmin

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Browser cannot display web page for xampp or phpmyadmin

Postby unclejed » 05. August 2014 07:02

I've had something happen to where I get an error in my browser indicating that it cannot display the web page when I click the 'admin' button for phpmyadmin on the xampp console. This is partially solved in that I have found a workaround, but I think the root problem still needs to be identified.
I'll list the facts first:
OS: XPPro 64-bit (I know - probably not the brightest idea)
Xampp version: 1.8.3-4
Both apache and MySQL are started and working. I know this because the server I'm hosting is working perfectly.
I checked the following files to confirm everything with regard to servername localhost is associated with on port 80 is correct: hosts.txt, httpd-hosts.conf, httpd.conf
Firewall is on, but not blocking port 80 as far as I can tell.
There is no AV software installed. This VM is running solely for xampp so other than xp updates and absolute essentials, there is no other 3rd party software.

Possible clue:
One thing that happened recently was that I tried to assign a static ip to this VM locally (this is at home with a lousy linksys that doesn't allow MAC address reservations. This killed my server cuz I didn't do it right. So I changed it back to dynamic and the server is back up. (I have since flashed over to dd-wrt, BTW, and will eventually assign ip's from there)
Anyway, I didn't know if maybe that process threw something off with regard to local network addressing. Port forwarding on the router is working correctly - again, the proof is that the web servers work.

I have tried using in place of 'localhost' to no avail. This goes for both /phpmyadmin and /xampp.

My workaround and what finally did work was to go through the secure port. This address:
(Note that I had to place the 's' after 'http') It still gave me a hard time about not having a valid certificate (understandably) - but just proceeding to the page anyway worked just fine.

Anyway, wanted to post this for two reasons:
1. Google provided lots of people with the same problem but no solutions that I could find; so someone else may find this discussion helpful.
2. I figure there's probably something that still needs to be corrected.

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Joined: 05. August 2014 06:16
Operating System: xp64 pro

Re: Browser cannot display web page for xampp or phpmyadmin

Postby Nobbie » 05. August 2014 09:31

You are writing a lot - but you missed to most important thing: the error message. " I get an error in my browser indicating that it cannot display the web page " is not an valid error message. We need the full message, including the HTTP Error Code.
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Re: Browser cannot display web page for xampp or phpmyadmin

Postby unclejed » 06. August 2014 01:08

My apologies; I should have included that. Although it's quite generic with no codes that I could see. As far as 'writing a lot' goes - just trying to be thorough. ;-)

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

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This problem can be caused by a variety of issues, including:

•Internet connectivity has been lost.
•The website is temporarily unavailable.
•The Domain Name Server (DNS) is not reachable.
•The Domain Name Server (DNS) does not have a listing for the website's domain.
•There might be a typing error in the address.
•If this is an HTTPS (secure) address, click Tools, click Internet Options, click Advanced, and check to be sure the SSL and TLS protocols are enabled under the security section.

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Re: Browser cannot display web page for xampp or phpmyadmin

Postby Nobbie » 06. August 2014 12:54

There is no server running on (your PC). Or it runs, but does not listen to port 80.

>This VM is running solely for xampp so other than xp updates and absolute essentials

What VM? You did not tell us anything about VM. Where is Xampp running? Where is your "Server" running? What is the difference?

P.S.: After rereading your post again, i am pretty sure about what you are doing wrong.

a) You dont have any "VM" - a VM is a "Virtual Machine", like VirtualBox for example. I am pretty sure that this not, what you meant by VM. You are mixing up abbreviations (whatever you meant instead).

b) "httpd-hosts.conf, httpd.conf" - there is no httpd-hosts.conf, did you miss a "v" for httpd-vhosts.con"?

c) show us httpd.conf - did you edit or insert a LISTEN option in httpd.conf (in order to have a static IP or similar?)? I am very sure that you did and you failed, There is probably a line like


where is a static IP (different from Isn't it?!
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Re: Browser cannot display web page for xampp or phpmyadmin

Postby unclejed » 06. August 2014 19:49

Your first line caused me to remember something:
I'm using port 8080 for this one. Added ':8080' after 'localhost' and I'm in like Flynn. I also pressed the "config" button on the xampp console (and then Service and port settings) and changed the main port to 8080, so now it opens seamlessly from the main console button. Apparently it must have been reset when I messed up the ip settings as mentioned before, because everything was working great for a couple of months before this happened.

Thanks for jogging my memory and for your time responding when it turned out to be a dim-witted PEBCAC error on my part.

Oh, and BTW, I am actually running 3 VMs like this on a zen server. So yes, the physical box is zen, running 2 XP VMs and a linux VM. The XP VMs both have xampp on them.
And you're right - I forgot the 'v' in vhosts.

Again, thank you for your time and the memory jog! ("Fezzik, jog his memory.")

Cheers, mate.
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Operating System: xp64 pro

Re: Browser cannot display web page for xampp or phpmyadmin

Postby unclejed » 06. August 2014 19:52

oops...that's "xenserver". lol
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Operating System: xp64 pro

Re: Browser cannot display web page for xampp or phpmyadmin

Postby Nobbie » 06. August 2014 22:02

unclejed wrote:I'm using port 8080 for this one. Added ':8080' after 'localhost' and I'm in like Flynn.

.... Ouch!!

Where do you live? I am currently planning our next stay in the United States - so, just in case you are living there, let me know where i can have my reward for "PEBCAC" problems (dont mind - youre not the first neither only one).
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Re: Browser cannot display web page for xampp or phpmyadmin

Postby unclejed » 06. August 2014 23:17

haha...if you're coming anywhere in Colorado, I'll buy you a beer. :-)
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Operating System: xp64 pro

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