OK, so now what- it's running

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OK, so now what- it's running

Postby davecason » 16. April 2014 22:32

Hi Folks,

OK, so I have my forum up and it's alive - the logs look happy in the XAMPP Control panel and I have it set to auto start Apache - MySQL and FileZilla.

I now want to teak the settings so it's more or less protected from the world of baddies...... for example I added the line "allow from all" in the
httpd-xampp.conf file and it worked in as much as I can now see the site 68.XX.XXX.XXX/phpbb/index.php!

Great, but I can also get to the xampp setup screen if you point a browser to just the IP address without adding the /phpbb in there, you land on
68.XX.XXX.XXX/xampp which is probably not a good thing. (grin) What did I do wrong?

Also on the admin page after I login to ACP it very nicely tells me: "Hey dumbass, your config file (config.php) is currently world-writable.
We strongly encourage you to change the permissions to 640 or at least to 644 (for example: chmod 640 config.php)" I've looked and by
god, I can't find the chmod command on my old Dell SC1420 Server that I have windows 2003 server on ..... (grin) How do I fix this in the
old crusty 2003 server ....... ?

Lastly, what else should I do to lock this stuff down !? Thankings ....

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Joined: 16. April 2014 20:41
Operating System: Windows Server 2003

Re: OK, so now what- it's running

Postby Altrea » 17. April 2014 06:33

Hi Dave,

davecason wrote:I added the line "allow from all" in the
httpd-xampp.conf file and it worked in as much as I can now see the site 68.XX.XXX.XXX/phpbb/index.php!

[INFO] How to not fail getting help here
[INFO] How to not fail getting help here (Section: Scope of support) wrote:Evaluate if your topic is in scope of support of our board. We don't want to provide...
...support for live, production or public accessible environments.
XAMPP is not configurated for such environments (default passwords, many activated and probably unnecessary modules, not tweaked for performance, scalability, stability or security). This board does have several entrys about hacked XAMPP installations because of using unprotected XAMPP installations in not supported environments. XAMPP don't want to fit every possible use case and there are other (also free) alternatives for such environments.

davecason wrote:I've looked and by
god, I can't find the chmod command on my old Dell SC1420 Server that I have windows 2003 server on ..... (grin)

chmod is a Linux command, you will not find it on a Windows server. Windows is using a different file permission system.

best wishes,
We don't provide any support via personal channels like PM, email, Skype, TeamViewer!

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Re: OK, so now what- it's running

Postby davecason » 17. April 2014 15:25

Hi Altrea,

Uh, yep ..... I know .... hence the (grin) part at the end, I guess that was a failed attempt at humor.

Anyway, further to the scope of support quote you quoted ...... I know that too! I did read that when I got on the board and I get why XAMPP does not want to support live environments, I support a live network. (grin) But this isn't live by that definition, I'm just trying to learn how to deploy phpBB and Apache and other programs like that for fun and to me that means deploying it completely, albeit in a test environment. I'm not building a board to operate, it's just as test environment to goof around with. The server is an old Dell I thought I'd put to good use so who cares what happens to it. It's an old server on its own isolated port on a network, if some bozo wants to hack it, fine, format c: and try again. No biggie ....

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Joined: 16. April 2014 20:41
Operating System: Windows Server 2003

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