Normal and virtual host

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Normal and virtual host

Postby mecheri » 02. April 2014 15:12

Hi everyone,

I want to run two websites with httpd on my centos machine.

I have configured the first one on the standard apache configuration file (i.e. etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf), created the index.html file under /var/www/html/. Give it the URL ''

For the second one I have configured it as a virtual-host under the following directory /mywww/ and give it as URL.

When I test the url it points, as expected, to /mywww/index.html.
However, when I test it points also to /mywww/index.html instead of /var/www/html/index.html !!?

The content of the /etc/hosts file:

Any idea ?
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Joined: 02. April 2014 15:03
Operating System: Linux

Re: Normal and virtual host

Postby JJ_Tagy » 02. April 2014 16:59

mecheri wrote:... For the second one I have configured it as a virtual-host ...

How and where? What do your configuration files look like?
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Re: Normal and virtual host

Postby mecheri » 04. April 2014 13:13


Thanks for your reply.

I have created it on


Here's its content:

NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/vhost
<Directory /var/www/vhost>
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
ErrorLog /var/log/
CustomLog /var/log/ common
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Operating System: Linux

Re: Normal and virtual host

Postby Nobbie » 04. April 2014 15:13

That does not work (as you already might found out). If you run only one host, you may configure it as the standard host in the httpd.conf file.

If you want to run more than one host, you have to use VirtualHost FOR ALL your hosts, there is no more a "standard host", the corresponding configuration in httpd.conf is IGNORED by Apache. Instead the FIRST VirtualHost becomes the default host, so if somebody requests a hostname from your server, which is not declared as a VirtualHost, Apache takes the FIRST VirtualHost declaration instead.

Instead of only one VirtualHost you must at least declare two VirtualHost, one for and the other for I always recommend to declare one explicit "_defaul_" VirtualHost as very first VirtualHost, in case someone enters in his browser, because this is neither nor, but Apache will take simply the first of these two if you dont declare a default VirtualHost as first entry. In that default VirtualHost you may show an error page or whatever you want.

Most important: either there is NO VirtualHost, or ALL Hosts are VirtualHosts.
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Re: Normal and virtual host

Postby mecheri » 05. April 2014 12:56

Thank you guys for your replies it does make sens to me know.
Posts: 3
Joined: 02. April 2014 15:03
Operating System: Linux

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