Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)

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Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)

Postby dunhill » 09. March 2014 16:22

I have a new install of ubuntu and apache 2.2.22

it is running on a Virtual on Windows ( server using virtualbox. The Ubuntu virtual ip is in bridged mode
The router is configured so that a DMZ is defined to pass all traffic to the Ubuntu Server
WEBMIN is running on the Ubuntu server on port 10000 as well

internally I can access the web site at with no issues from any computer on the same subnet
if I try to access via external IP address or DNS name I get the error Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)

I can access the webmin interface from DNS name and external ip

There is only the one virtual server defined in apache with the following
Handles the name-based server on address *.
Address Any
Port 80 Server Name Automatic
Document Root /var/www

I know this is something basic but have not used Apache in 10+ years. Any help appreciated
Posts: 2
Joined: 09. March 2014 15:18
Operating System: Ubuntu

Re: Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)

Postby Nobbie » 09. March 2014 16:30

The message

Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)

is NOT an Apache message (and therefore not a Xampp message), it is a message from Microsoft IIS. Obviously you are running another Webserver on your (Virtual?) Server. Use Google for more information about "Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)".
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)

Postby dunhill » 12. March 2014 20:18

Thank You Nobbie.

You were quite right the Windows Home Server has IIS Running which has some services used to manage the server. When I moved the Virtual to a different computer the problem persisted.

Turns out the router had Upnp enabled and the Windows Home Server was using that to modify the settings I had been adding in the management of the router.
Posts: 2
Joined: 09. March 2014 15:18
Operating System: Ubuntu

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