xampp Apache service stopped working

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xampp Apache service stopped working

Postby art.yaffe » 28. November 2013 18:27

...after cleaning a virus. It was all working well, and I can still get httpd running with apache_start.bat, but not as a service.
When I use apache_installservice.bat, I get:
Now we Start Apache2.4 :)
The Apache2.4 service is starting...
The Apache2.4 service could not be started.

A service specific error occurred: 1.

More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3547.

net helpmsg 3547 isn't very helpful.

I'm running Windows 7 Pro, xampp 1.8.2. Ideas, anyone?
Posts: 1
Joined: 28. November 2013 17:58
Operating System: Windows 7 Pro x64

Re: xampp Apache service stopped working

Postby gsmith » 29. November 2013 18:59

try running the batch file from a command prompt as Administrator.
Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt
right click on it's icon and choose "Run as Administrator"
cd to the location of the batch file
run the batch file
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