syntax error on line... when start apache

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syntax error on line... when start apache

Postby deglinnc » 23. August 2013 18:23

I have a problem to start apache, but the mysql service works.
the errore reported is:

Diese Eingabeforderung nicht waehrend des Running beenden
Bitte erst bei einem gewollten Shutdown schliessen
Please close this command only for Shutdown
Apache 2 is starting ...
httpd.exe: Syntax error on line 65 of C:/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot lo
ad C:/xampp/apache/modules/ into server: Impossibile trovare
la procedura specificata.

Apache konnte nicht gestartet werden
Apache could not be started
Premere un tasto per continuare . . .

can you help me?
I have already tried to replace the file
if there are no solutions, there are a way to recover the database in mysql without starting the apache service?
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Joined: 23. August 2013 16:38
Operating System: windows 7

Re: syntax error on line... when start apache

Postby hackattack142 » 29. August 2013 23:42


See here for the module issue: viewtopic.php?p=196266

For the database issue, yes, you can access the database using the MySQL command line tools in /xampp/mysql/bin. You can also download MySQL Workbench from MySQL's site.
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