XAMPP Basic Usage question

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

XAMPP Basic Usage question

Postby SC23 » 04. July 2013 22:11

I am a Linux noob. I have been in it for around a week or so. I have a long history of Windows tech support and web development, so Im not completely clueless, but for various reasons have decided to make Linux my primary OS.

I have used various WAMP servers in web development for years now and I figured since Linux is the base platform it would be even easier to use LAMP or XAMPP as it were... I am coming up wrong on that count.

My first issue is that it seems nothing can be done without being root. Maybe Im wrong.. but you cant start, stop, restart, add html/php/any files, or anything unless you are root. Like I said.. maybe Im wrong.. This ends up taking a lot of time playing su and in various elevated privilege mode.

I am specifically having problems adding a new alias outside the htdocs folder. I have edited the httpd.conf and played permissions till I am blue in the face and still no.

My next general gripe is that in all WAMP flavors there is a tray menu with options for just about anything you need, like enabling modules, adding alias, turning on and off php errors, stop, start, restart. yada.. yet from all I can find these functions now require a scuba expedition in terminal mode and editing cryptic config files..as root of course.

Im not just here to b*tch. I am looking for a little guidance in basic usage so I can build a website locally in an efficient manner, so the basic question here is.. what is the basic usage for XAMPP in creating a php based website with a mysql db in it and are there any decent giu's to make this process easier?

Do appreciate the app.
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Joined: 04. July 2013 21:49
Operating System: Mint 15

Re: XAMPP Basic Usage question

Postby SC23 » 07. July 2013 15:03

After many attempts (and failures) at various mundane things like creating alias and turning on and off services as well as searching the web for days for decent, gui based LAMP implementation like this.. http://www.wampserver.com/en/ but for Linux, I have come to the conclusion that there simply is no noob replacement for WAMP in a linux environment. Silly really when all the parts are rooted in Linux.. but..alas.. that appears to be the case. As a professional web developer on the windows platform for over 10 years now, I am both surprised and slightly amused that Windows beats the snot out of Linux in making it easy to implement these basic development tools. There is a better mousetrap to be had here for anyone with the talents and skills to simply recreate the app in that link in Linux.
Posts: 2
Joined: 04. July 2013 21:49
Operating System: Mint 15

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