phpMyAdmin - Error

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

phpMyAdmin - Error

Postby @Majizakm » 05. July 2013 15:11

Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly. Also ensure that cookies are enabled in your browser. I'm using XAMPP for OS X 1.8.2-0! and I'm running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63b)

The following is the error on my error_log - please help , I really don't know what the problem is I upgraded from Xampp 1.7 to 1.8.2 and now I;m getting this error.

[Sat Jul 06 00:07:21.050070 2013] [core:notice] [pid 37155] AH00094: Command line: '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/httpd -E /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/logs/error_log -D SSL -D PHP'
[Sat Jul 06 01:59:18.681591 2013] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 37155] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Sat Jul 06 02:50:06.099692 2013] [ssl:warn] [pid 762] AH01906: RSA server certificate is a CA certificate (BasicConstraints: CA == TRUE !?)
[Sat Jul 06 02:50:06.100050 2013] [ssl:warn] [pid 762] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Sat Jul 06 02:50:06.100090 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 762] AH01232: suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/suexec)
[Sat Jul 06 02:50:07.000331 2013] [lbmethod_heartbeat:notice] [pid 763] AH02282: No slotmem from mod_heartmonitor
[Sat Jul 06 02:50:07.000424 2013] [auth_digest:notice] [pid 763] AH01757: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Sat Jul 06 02:50:07.350158 2013] [ssl:warn] [pid 763] AH01906: RSA server certificate is a CA certificate (BasicConstraints: CA == TRUE !?)
[Sat Jul 06 02:50:07.350211 2013] [ssl:warn] [pid 763] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Sat Jul 06 02:50:07.351885 2013] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 763] AH00163: Apache/2.4.4 (Unix) PHP/5.4.16 OpenSSL/1.0.1e mod_perl/2.0.8-dev Perl/v5.16.3 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Sat Jul 06 02:50:07.351934 2013] [core:notice] [pid 763] AH00094: Command line: '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/httpd -E /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/logs/error_log -D SSL -D PHP'
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Joined: 05. July 2013 15:04
Operating System: Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63b)

Re: phpMyAdmin - Error

Postby @Majizakm » 06. July 2013 04:56

I found the answer to the problem, after hours of research and testing.

1. I deleted all cookies linked to localhost/myphpadmin.
2. I clear Cached Web Content.
3. On the I changed permissions in the following way : sudo chmod -R 4777 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/include/php/ext/session
4. In the php.ini file I uncommented the session.save_path = "/tmp" and removed the "/tmp" and replaced with session.save_path = "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/include/php/ext/session".
5. In the I changed the following:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = ' '; - action, I added cookie
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root'; - action, nothing
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = ' '; - action I added my root password similar to the MySQL password.

So I don't know which of these actually resolved the problem , but I can access myPhpadmin now.

See logs:

- xampp [06/Jul/2013:05:39:42 +0200] "GET /phpmyadmin/ HTTP/1.1" 200 7967
::1 - xampp [06/Jul/2013:05:39:43 +0200] "GET /phpmyadmin/themes/pmahomme/jquery/jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.css HTTP/1.1" 200 32278
::1 - xampp [06/Jul/2013:05:39:43 +0200] "GET /phpmyadmin/js/get_scripts.js.php?scripts[]=jquery/jquery-1.8.3.js&scripts[]=ajax.js&scripts[]=keyhandler.js&scripts[]=jquery/jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.js&scripts[]=jquery/jquery.sprintf.js&scripts[]=jquery/jquery.cookie.js&scripts[]=jquery/jquery.mousewheel.js&scripts[]=jquery/jquery.event.drag-2.2.js&scripts[]=jquery/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js&scripts[]=jquery/[]=jquery/jquery.debounce-1.0.5.js&scripts[]=jquery/jquery.menuResizer-1.0.js&scripts[]=rte.js&scripts[]=functions.js&scripts[]=navigation.js&scripts[]=indexes.js&scripts[]=common.js&scripts[]=codemirror/lib/codemirror.js&scripts[]=codemirror/mode/mysql/mysql.js HTTP/1.1" 200 578569
::1 - xampp [06/Jul/2013:05:39:43 +0200] "GET /phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin.css.php?server=1&lang=en&collation_connection=utf8_general_ci&token=0d134ae40dbdf6b567d8f099d763d381&nocache=4116054386ltr HTTP/1.1" 200 88608
::1 - xampp [06/Jul/2013:05:39:43 +0200] "GET /phpmyadmin/js/get_image.js.php?theme=pmahomme HTTP/1.1" 200 6263
::1 - xampp [06/Jul/2013:05:39:43 +0200] "GET /phpmyadmin/js/messages.php?lang=en&db=&server=0&collation_connection=utf8_general_ci&token=e75e800e9885190def3a7ce1c297129a HTTP/1.1" 200 16672
::1 - xampp [06/Jul/2013:05:39:43 +0200] "GET /phpmyadmin/themes/dot.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 43
::1 - xampp [06/Jul/2013:05:39:43 +0200] "GET /phpmyadmin/themes/pmahomme/img/logo_right.png HTTP/1.1" 200 4548
::1 - xampp [06/Jul/2013:05:39:43 +0200] "GET /phpmyadmin/themes/pmahomme/img/sprites.png HTTP/1.1" 200 61899
::1 - xampp [06/Jul/2013:05:39:43 +0200] "GET /phpmyadmin/favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 200 18902
::1 - - [06/Jul/2013:05:39:49 +0200] "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.0" 200 -
::1 - xampp [06/Jul/2013:05:40:40 +0200] "POST /phpmyadmin/index.php HTTP/1.1" 302 -
::1 - xampp [06/Jul/2013:05:40:40 +0200] "GET /phpmyadmin/index.php?token=0d134ae40dbdf6b567d8f099d763d381 HTTP/1.1" 200 42727
::1 - xampp [06/Jul/2013:05:40:41 +0200] "GET /phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin.css.php?server=1&token=0d134ae40dbdf6b567d8f099d763d381&nocache=5489136426ltr HTTP/1.1" 200 88608
::1 - xampp [06/Jul/2013:05:40:41 +0200] "GET /phpmyadmin/js/messages.php?lang=en&db=&server=0&token=0d134ae40dbdf6b567d8f099d763d381 HTTP/1.1" 200 16672
::1 - xampp [06/Jul/2013:05:40:41 +0200] "GET /phpmyadmin/themes/pmahomme/img/logo_left.png HTTP/1.1" 200 2327
::1 - xampp [06/Jul/2013:05:40:41 +0200] "GET /phpmyadmin/themes/pmahomme/img/ajax_clock_small.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 1810
::1 - xampp [06/Jul/2013:05:40:41 +0200] "GET /phpmyadmin/themes/pmahomme/img/left_nav_bg.png HTTP/1.1" 200 297
::1 - xampp [06/Jul/2013:05:40:41 +0200] "GET /phpmyadmin/version_check.php?&_nocache=137308204126810567 HTTP/1.1" 200 46
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Joined: 05. July 2013 15:04
Operating System: Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63b)

Re: phpMyAdmin - Error

Postby outboks » 06. July 2013 16:29

hi Majizakm,

was having the same issue earlier , and resolved with the same step.
here is the link from PMA page
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Re: phpMyAdmin - Error

Postby perlboy » 16. July 2013 16:52

I had a similar problem, getting a "can't start session error" when attempting to access phpMyAdmin. That problem is "totally" resolved by un-commenting session.save_path in php.ini (See my post on this issue). This is obviously a bug in the download file set. However, if you search the distribution you will find many references to "/tmp". This is very bad joss. There should be a global variable that gets loaded that resolves where all php bits write temporary objects. The OS X XAMPP distribution contains a "temp" folder and some session stuff is being written there. If the intent of the XAMPP developers (I can't read their minds) is to encapsulate /tmp functionality within the XAMPP tree, then they should clean up all these references to /tmp, which in OS X is a public directory symbolically linked to /private/tmp. If they don't, then every time you upgrade you will have to make this same change :-( A public /tmp, where all server-side session data is kept is not good practice. So, private caching of temporary stuff is preferable, but XAMPP needs to do this consistently. I don't have time to search out all the instances but just knowing they had un-commented session.save_path tells me this issue is unresolved among the developers. I hope they are reading about all the flak 1.8.* installers are getting.

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