Using SQL from Windows XAMPP

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Using SQL from Windows XAMPP

Postby Geri » 26. August 2012 11:23

hi. i want to use the sql tables of the windows version of XAMPP.
so i dont want to export and import it, i want ecsactly to use directly those files.

i modifyed my.cnf:

innodb_data_home_dir and innodb_log_group_home_dir to /oldwindowspath/mysql/data/"
it says my tables are not found, when my portal want to connect to its tables.

after i managed phpmyadmin to run, but it does not show my tables at all.
should i modify another things in my.conf too?
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Re: Using SQL from Windows XAMPP

Postby Geri » 26. August 2012 11:40

i figured out that its still try to get the data from the original lampp directory

i created a symlink, but now i cant access, it says me bad password. strange. it seems it will not work with a symlink.
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Re: Using SQL from Windows XAMPP

Postby Geri » 26. August 2012 12:35

i figured out that due to a bug in lampp, stopping the software does not properly closed some instances of sql, and it does not reloaded the proper configuration when it was restarted.

now it takes the data from the needed directory.

however i still get ,,table yyyy.xxxxxx does not exist'' error message, but i can browse it from phpmyadmin. but phpfusion canot find it. strange.
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Re: Using SQL from Windows XAMPP

Postby JonB » 26. August 2012 14:27

It was never designed to operate in a mode like that.

i figured out that due to a bug in lampp, stopping the software does not properly closed some instances of sql, and it does not reloaded the proper configuration when it was restarted.

The bug is not in lampp, it is in your logic, or perhaps a lack of understanding of how MySQL works.

You can't use one server to control the datastore of a different instance of MySQL. If you want use data from another datastore, that both servers must be running and you need to use the features built into MySQL for remote communication.

Good Luck

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Re: Using SQL from Windows XAMPP

Postby Geri » 26. August 2012 14:38

there is only one bug in my logic: i trusted in opensource networking products. but i swear, this was the last time :D
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Re: Using SQL from Windows XAMPP

Postby JonB » 26. August 2012 16:02

if you think the problem is networking related - you might be right on that too, but again it has nothing to do with lampp, but your understanding of filesystems. Basically you can't create datastores on one OS or instance of a database server, then switch to something else entirely and expect to treat them as native objects.

You should read this topic -


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Re: Using SQL from Windows XAMPP

Postby Geri » 28. August 2012 12:13

basically i alreday did, and it works succesfully. once if you will start to understand the world of file systems properly, i will explain you, what was the problem ;Đ
the bug is in the linux version of mysql (maybe in the windows version too), but i am too lazy fix it at code level and submit a patch to them, so i workarounded it.
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Re: Using SQL from Windows XAMPP

Postby perhanna » 26. January 2013 08:29

I've never seen that before. What if you turn off Automatic Updates and rescan?
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Re: Using SQL from Windows XAMPP

Postby JonB » 29. January 2013 04:36

Geri was full of "begins with 's', has four letters, and ends with 't'." (at least in English)

The filesystems do not support the same attributes. You can't create and preserve attributes that don't exist. When you close the session the files have to be in a consistent state on the native filesystem. Comprende?

For grins, please let me know how CHMOD and CHOWN work on NTFS or FAT volumes or try reading the material I referenced. Only FAT and CIFS transcend the issue, and they come to a stable state without the desired attributes. That is why you can mount a thumb drive across platforms. You can also 'mount' an NTFS volume under Linux, but again you can't preserves the required Linux permissions - there is no filesystem Metadata to do the task. Here's the Google Web Challenge of the Instant - "what is an inode?"

Good Luck

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