XAMPP: Another FTP daemon is already running

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

XAMPP: Another FTP daemon is already running

Postby zakwithu » 14. August 2012 08:33


I just installed XAMPP for linux 1.8.0 on my below linux server:
[root@mtatb01 ~]# uname -a
Linux mtatb01.test.du.ae 2.6.9-34.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Feb 24 16:54:53 EST 2006 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

XAMPP works fine now except the ProFTPD is not working. Each time i tried to start the xampp i got a message :
XAMPP: Another FTP daemon is already running.

here is the full output of stop/start command:

[root@mtatb01 ~]# /opt/lampp/lampp stop
Stopping XAMPP for Linux 1.8.0...
XAMPP: Stopping Apache with SSL...
XAMPP: Stopping MySQL...
XAMPP: XAMPP-ProFTPD is not running.
XAMPP stopped.

[root@mtatb01 ~]# /opt/lampp/lampp start
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.8.0...
XAMPP: Starting Apache with SSL (and PHP5)...
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...
XAMPP: Another FTP daemon is already running.
XAMPP for Linux started.

it seems there is another FTP server is installed in the server. i want to use the XAMPP ProFTPD which i installed. I’ve googled this trouble extensively for over an hour and I haven’t found a reasonable solution. Firstly, should I be worried about this? If so, then the common solution seems to be using ps aux | grep ftp in order to find the process using the FTP and kill it, but I’m unable to kill FTP for some bizarre reason. Please advise how to find and remove any other instance already installed and force linux to use only the ProFTPD packed with XAMPP?

waiting for prompt help as it is stopping me from proceeding further.
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Re: XAMPP: Another FTP daemon is already running

Postby JonB » 14. August 2012 16:55

What actual distribution are you using? i.e Blag, Fedora 16, whatever../ Linux is an OS, not a 'version'.

It actually doesn't matter which FTP installation you use. The advantage of the XAMPP version is that it is correctly configured to work with LAMPP - that is the correct home folder and the correct user. The 'already installed' instance of proFTPd (likely) would have to be manually configured.
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Re: XAMPP: Another FTP daemon is already running

Postby zakwithu » 16. August 2012 09:08

my distro is Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 3)
i want to disable or uninstall all existing softwares (mySQL, FTP, Apatche) and use only the LAMPP. please advise how?
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Re: XAMPP: Another FTP daemon is already running

Postby JonB » 17. August 2012 02:13

I guess I could reply "That is what Google is for" (among many other uses)- But I will answer your question -

You need to find out what services are running. If proFTPd is the only one that won't start, that is probably the only one you have to worry about.

I have no way at all to know how your server was configured. If it is a stock setup (SysV Unix style) - this should work. If things were set up using rc.d or rc.d.local then another configuration paradigm was used.

RHEL has a utility for this stuff 'chkconfig'

https://access.redhat.com/knowledge/doc ... onfig.html

Code: Select all
chkconfig --list | more

the service you are probably looking for is 'vsftpd' -

There is no way for me to test on such an old release, but I use RHEL/Centos/Fedora and it works on recent versions.

Code: Select all
chkconfig vsftpd off

chkconfig vsftpd on

You really need to learn to the Linux command line interface.

The proper Google search would be 'rhel configure services' or 'linux configure services'

Good Luck
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