lampp paths

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lampp paths

Postby TheoR » 20. July 2012 22:15

I need to install lampp under a different directory than /opt, so I extracted it to my needed directory and ran a sed to change all /opt/lampp to /adsi/lampp, which seems to work fine. However, when I attempt to start lampp, I get the following:

Code: Select all
adsirms:/adsi/lampp # whoami
adsirms:/adsi/lampp # ./lampp start
./lampp: line 126:  2869 Segmentation fault      /adsi/lampp/share/lampp/selinux
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.8.0...
./lampp: line 128:  2870 Segmentation fault      /adsi/lampp/share/lampp/nogroupcheck
./lampp: line 128:  2871 Segmentation fault      $0 startapache %
./lampp: line 128:  2872 Segmentation fault      $0 startmysql %
./lampp: line 128:  2873 Segmentation fault      $0 startftp %
./lampp: line 128:  2874 Segmentation fault      /adsi/lampp/share/lampp/alladdons start
XAMPP for Linux started.
adsirms:/adsi/lampp # ./lampp status
./lampp: line 126:  2880 Segmentation fault      /adsi/lampp/share/lampp/selinux
Version: XAMPP for Linux 1.8.0
Apache is not running.
MySQL is not running.
ProFTPD is not running.
adsirms:/adsi/lampp #

Nothing starts and I get these segmentation fault messages. I am stumped. Any help would be appreciated.

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Joined: 11. March 2005 23:54
Operating System: SuSE Linux 11 SP2

Re: lampp paths

Postby JonB » 21. July 2012 00:33

Sadly - you are on your own.

LAMPP is not a 'LAMP Stack' -- its a bash script carefully tailored to run all the components as 'CLI' command line interface) i.e 'call the executable'. The configuration files have been edited to enable that operational mode. Open the file '/opt/lampp/lampp' in a programmer's editor to see what is done.

You could look at the bash script and all its ancillary files (called bash scripts) + all the configs and make all the needed changes. Even in that case you would still be on your own, and it is hard to say in you would understand every nuance or be able to fix it.

If you need a LAMP stack that does not run in '/opt', I suggest you simply use you favorite Linux installer and the right repositories to build a traditional Linux stack. I should point out that the 'installer method' will (without a lot of knowledge on your part) put all the pieces where your distribution 'thinks they belong'.

Driving the installation of a series of components, particularly ones that need to be inter-operable, to user defined folders is as hard (or harder) on Linux as it is on Windows.

BTW, anyone that wants to prove me wrong with a simple hack will be my hero... i.e. I am not saying it cannot be done. For instance - what folder could be Linux/Unix equivalent to /opt ??? I don't know. BUT I do know that (/opt) is where all 'alien applications' want to install to - i.e. Google Chrome, Zimbra, etc...

Good Luck
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