installer problem - sets filezilla for manual, etc

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installer problem - sets filezilla for manual, etc

Postby jmichae3 » 19. July 2012 05:38

[*]xampp 1.8.0 installer sets the filezilla server service startup as manual, not automatic.
I had to manually configure the SCM to make it work right.
I was installing xampp over the top of an old installation. I had previously changed the xml and other config files so that they

[*]if there is an existing my.ini, xampp 1.8.0 installer replaces e: with e:e:

[*]if there is an existing httpd.conf in apache, replaces e: sometimes with either e:e: or c:e:. it does not do this to virtual hosts.
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Re: installer problem - sets filezilla for manual, etc

Postby JonB » 19. July 2012 15:37

I'm guessing you just installed right over a prior install, right?

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Re: installer problem - sets filezilla for manual, etc

Postby Altrea » 19. July 2012 15:37

Hi jmichae3 (there is ALWAYS time for a salutation, especially if you are asking for help at a community board. It's a matter of politeness),

jmichae3 wrote:I was installing xampp over the top of an old installation.

Which is highly not recommend! This can produce some really weird and hard to debug behaviors.
It is recommend to backup your existing XAMPP installation, uninstall it completely, install the new XAMPP and merge really needed configuration changes setting by setting (for example by merging the configuration files with winmerge or other tools).

best wishes,
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Re: installer problem - sets filezilla for manual, etc

Postby jmichae3 » 25. July 2012 12:15

Altrea wrote:Hi jmichae3 (there is ALWAYS time for a salutation, especially if you are asking for help at a community board. It's a matter of politeness),

jmichae3 wrote:I was installing xampp over the top of an old installation.

Which is highly not recommend! This can produce some really weird and hard to debug behaviors.
It is recommend to backup your existing XAMPP installation, uninstall it completely, install the new XAMPP and merge really needed configuration changes setting by setting (for example by merging the configuration files with winmerge or other tools).

best wishes,

migrating 20 mysql databases is a pain when you are trying to avoid backing up mysql and test.
and then there's the db log files. I was hoping I could upgrade the db files in-place - much less hassle, even if it meant just copying specific directory trees over. I don't upgrade very often. mysql is up now. but apache won't let me configure. I have worked with mysql before, so I think I have a simpler method than starting over entirely from scratch every upgrade. mysql_upgrade.exe seems to work fairly well. here is's mysql upgrade process I just found (I learned this by experimentation): maybe it would be good to put this in your 1.8.0 "upgrade/install" sticky post.

in any case, the installer should have set the filezilla service for automatic rather than manual. I believe this to be a bug in xampp_cli.exe. if the service is set for automatic, it won't change it. it should, when it is installing the service. UNLESS xampp needs to add some sort of startup checkbox column for "auto" and "manual" for the services in the xampp control panel that's set for "auto" by default. :-) also, I think it would be wonderful if that control panel had a "restart" or "bounce" button. I do this a lot.

Code: Select all
xampp_cli.exe installservice filezilla

is the command in the batch file.

I have noticed that even though the apache service says it's stopped, it takes 12 seconds to 2 minutes on my old pentium 4 HT (1 core 2 thread) for the 2 httpd.exe's to actually stop running, about 153 threads is probably too many for my measly test rig setup. I also noticed it takes the same time to wait for apache to start. fastest if system is idle. i have always noticed it takes a fair amount of time to create and zap threads. considering how fast a cpu is. so I am thinking some sort of "wait-for-httpd.exe-to-not-be-there" needs to be in place to actually detect that the service has stopped. maybe this is already there. I noticed something earlier when I had a strange httpd.exe conflict of some sort. I think xampp can shave a total of 1-2 inches off those buttons so you can add another column of controls if screen space is critical. also, the whitespace between controls and be reduced in several areas. there's at least an inch between pids and ports. if I am not mistaken, there probably aren't going to be very many setups where there's 2 filezillas or 2 apaches (why?).

do I need to set a sig on my posts or something? I must have missed this in the user CPanel.
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Re: installer problem - sets filezilla for manual, etc

Postby JonB » 25. July 2012 13:54

Jim -

Personally, I suggest in your case you seriously consider building a true WAMP stack (at least if you want to remain on Windows). That way you can work with independent modules and versions of the core components and tune them more easily to your requirements -or- read on, and consider switching to lampp (XAMPP for Linux)

From a Apache Moderator point of view -

In our Linux variant, things can be done in a significantly different manner. The developers generally use a set of Linux/Unix commands 'diff' and 'patch' to generate an upgrade script and a set of datafiles (in a tarball/archive) to upgrade from the 'most recent' to 'current version'. In that case, a 'mysqlupgrade' check is part of the script, and you are prompted (in the script) to run /opt/lampp/bin/mysql_upgrade. Even this method can't 'fix your code', accommodate syntax changes, or intermediate on configuration files (.ini, .conf. .conf etc) for you, that still needs manual attention. (Look in the LAMPP forum).

AFAIK, that 'difference'/script method is just not possible on Windows (much of it relies on built-in Linux/Unix commands & tools). Those same tools also allow the LAMPP version to have a fairly sophisticated built-in backup tool that generates a 'restorable' script. There is a big learning curve for Linux, and the 'desktopping' of Linux is just a 'mask/shell' over that matter, as is the MacOS - if you want to 'do anything' you need to learn 'the shell'/Command Line interface (CLI) and a pretty fair set of commands.

There is a sequencing and installation problem for Windows, and I am not sure it could easily be bridged. You have to get the 'new' version of MySQL installed BEFORE you can call 'mysqlupgrade.exe'. This is essentially a 'paths' and data preservation issue. I will see if there is a 'simple' way to do a manual install (with no guarantees) that might use that method. This comes down to 'how smart can we expect the enduser to be???' - I think the 'cure' might be worse than the 'disease'.

BTW - instruction 2 in the MySQL page you referenced:

2. Always back up your current MySQL installation before performing an upgrade

Good Luck
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Re: installer problem - sets filezilla for manual, etc

Postby jmichae3 » 26. July 2012 06:34

that's what I did. my backup is still on C:. new install is on E:
like I said, I can access my data just fine now,so mysql is now working great.
it's a good point though. and I think maybe that apache could by default install itself into version numbered directories since a lot of the things we talked about are issues with the windows verison. it's a 1-or-2-line change the install script, and it would possibly prevent some headache. right now, it installs by default into c:\xampp\ what I am proposing in this part of the post is changing this to c:\xampp\VERSION_NUMBER\ for example c:\xampp\1.8.0\

if this is not the place for feature requests or bug reports, then maybe I should be taking this elsewhere. because that's what this is. I think you are taking this as a support request, and it's not. this is a bug report.
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Re: installer problem - sets filezilla for manual, etc

Postby JonB » 26. July 2012 07:47

On the matter of the Control Panel - that may be a bug.

A 'BUG' (AFAIK) is when a program does not work as intended. Had there been a XAMPP for Windows Upgrade 1.7.7 to 1.8.0 - then you might have a case for it did not work as expected. Maybe we are dealing with semantics, and maybe I have misjudged (personally -- not speaking for XAMPP) the skill and mind sets of people who use 'server suites'.

One thing 'is' certainly evident, both I and the developers who released this version did not appreciate how it would be perceived in the mind of existing XAMPP users. We literally beta-tested for months with many interim beta releases - I think the last beta for Windows was .8 or .9. I don't know the level of error reports, but I can speak for myself I tested all but one or two beta versions on Windows and Linux. Using 'my' methods, the only error I really recall on Windows was missing installing the C++ libraries on a fresh machine (and I posted a stickie).

The reality is I have a lot of experience with systems engineering and what is second nature to me may not be on the horizon for many users. For example, I am still astounded by the number of people who undertake projects, but don't do daily backups! Never mind if they know that file system backups often cannot save databases.

I am not the project lead, just a 'question answerer' and often a tester, so I don't make distribution decisions. His 'member name' is Oswald. send him a PM.

All that said - "my" opinion is 'no bug' (other than maybe the CP issue)- probably a need for wider beta testing and better 'you need to know this before proceeding' warnings. You are welcome to tell the project lead what you think, and express your ideas. I certainly did not think this was a support request, it says ''installer problem' - If it were up to me, I would totally ditch the MSI (installer driven) version of the Windows distribution.

Just 'my personal thoughts',

Good Luck
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Re: installer problem - sets filezilla for manual, etc

Postby jmichae3 » 29. July 2012 22:22

I keep a second hard drive with a backup copy of my entire hard drive. admittedly I need to do it more often than I do. and now, the company that does the clone software has been told by microsoft they can no longer use PE to build bootable discs. so I may be out the best disk cloning/upgrading software in the industry until they can find a workaround.

maybe I should spend a few weeks doing cleanup of unused junk and old stuff I have collected over the years. it's taking up 800GB.

my treatise on desktop backup methods: ... thods.html
I could add to it.
Last edited by jmichae3 on 31. July 2012 07:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: installer problem - sets filezilla for manual, etc

Postby JonB » 30. July 2012 09:48

Would that be NovaStor? Acronis also does it all quite well, I know both packages and prefer Acronis.

Databases should be backed up periodically with true dumps, as you can 'fix' a dump. If you are running MySQL, the MySQL Workbench is a nice, free tool from Oracle. It includes Server Admin, backups + design tools

Good Luck
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Re: installer problem - sets filezilla for manual, etc

Postby jmichae3 » 31. July 2012 07:38

JonB wrote:Would that be NovaStor? Acronis also does it all quite well, I know both packages and prefer Acronis.

Databases should be backed up periodically with true dumps, as you can 'fix' a dump. If you are running MySQL, the MySQL Workbench is a nice, free tool from Oracle. It includes Server Admin, backups + design tools

Good Luck

actually, it's's casper 7.0 which works VERY well (only the bootable version though which you have to pay an extra $10 for), even across drives with differing sector sizes (nothing else I have tried does that, not even norton ghost or clonezilla - the latter 2 are basically the same). I could not get acronis to make bootable disks (or it broke during the process), so I dumped it. I will examine NovaStor. I may need an alternative.
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