another Apache not starting topic [Solved]

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another Apache not starting topic [Solved]

Postby OWW » 16. July 2012 20:06

I'm using Windows Vista 32-bit and I copied the contents of the new 1.8 version .7z file over my old folder (C:\xampp) to update it, but Apache always stops when I try to run it.

Running apache_start.bat gives me the following message, which is similar but not the same as the Beta 1.8 problem in the announcements:

Diese Eingabeforderung nicht waehrend des Running beenden
Bitte erst bei einem gewollten Shutdown schliessen
Please close this command only for Shutdown
Apache 2 is starting ...
httpd.exe: Syntax error on line 65 of C:/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load C:/xampp/apache/modules/ into server: The specified module could not be found.

Apache konnte nicht gestartet werden
Apache could not be started
Press any key to continue . . .

I've looked at the other the other threads but I'm still not clear on how to fix this. I am also inexperienced, so I'm not sure what else I can do.
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Re: another Apache not starting topic

Postby JonB » 16. July 2012 20:53

Did you introduce a httpd.conf file from a previous installation?

The reason you are getting the error is that method is not part of Apache 2.4 -

"Apache Module mod_access_compat

Available Languages: en | fr | ja Description: Group authorizations based on host (name or IP address)
Status: Extension
Module Identifier: access_compat_module
Source File: mod_access_compat.c
Compatibility: Available in Apache HTTP Server 2.3 as a compatibility module with previous versions of Apache httpd 2.x. The directives provided by this module have been deprecated by the new authz refactoring. Please see mod_authz_host"

Among new modules for Authentication: ... _host.html

Yep - its a big learning curve, good luck
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Re: another Apache not starting topic

Postby OWW » 16. July 2012 21:12

All I did was a simple paste over, so the file should have been overwritten if it existed before. I checked the httpd.conf in the .7z again just to be sure it was the same.

Also, by deleting the line that's supposed to load mod_access_compat, I found that the next module that tries to load from httpd.conf gets the same error - e.g. mod_actions gives error, delete that, mod_alias gives the error and so on. So I'm guessing that the problem isn't the httpd itself?
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Re: another Apache not starting topic

Postby JonB » 16. July 2012 21:57

"All I did was a simple paste over".

I'm a bit lost. are you saying you just copied the 'new' version over the older one?

If so, I don't think "that" works correctly.

Good Luck
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Re: another Apache not starting topic

Postby OWW » 17. July 2012 09:00

Yup, I copied the new 1.8 files over my old 1.7.7 files because I'm not sure how I'm actually supposed to update XAMPP. The FAQ only talks about reinstalling from scratch, and I'm not sure how to restore all my previous projects over (only mediawiki and phpbb for now) if I do that. So how am I supposed to have updated XAMPP?

Other things: I don't have the World Wide Publishing Service to disable, I've made Skype stop using the 80 port, and I don't think it's my firewall (COMODO) because I've put the whole XAMPP directory in the Trusted list and haven't been given any warnings.

Thanks for all the advice so far btw.
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Re: another Apache not starting topic

Postby JonB » 17. July 2012 14:25

OK - I will make this into a sticky in a bit

Note there is NO Upgrade for 1.8.0 - reason - things (features, settings, configurations) are too different when you hit a major release on Apache or PHP. XAMPP 1.8.0 has Apache 2.4.2, prior XAMPP releases were 2.2 - big changes.

CHECK with any third party scripts to make sure they are compatible with Apache 2.4.2. Ditto check any changes you made to any of the Apache .conf files, some common features are deprecated - most notably this would be the 'NameVirtualHost' directive and 'most' versions of simple authentication methods (mod_auth... Apache Module versions), including the .htaccess syntax

Going from XAMPP 1.7.7 (or other versions) to 1.8.0 for Windows

A. Backup
Backup your 'custom' / user added MySQL databases. You can use the phpMyAdmin export tool, MySQL Workbench (free tool from Oracle), or the mysqldump.exe Command Line tool. Take screenshots of your database names, users and settings. Make SURE you know all the passwords and they are working (you can test by logging into phpMyAdmin as those users). You will probably have to 'add-back' any users 'you' created originally (like for the WordPress 'database user') and re-create the empty databases and the user privileges, don't forget the PMA control user This is the safest route unless you know 'a lot' about MySQL Imprt/Export parameters. Copy out your HTDOCS, any user added Folders that are Aliased, and any Virtual Host folders.

Stop all XAMPP processes/services.

C. Complete Backup
Backup your complete XAMPP install to another location. This could be by way of a true backup program like Acronis or Fbackup or simply shutting down XAMPP and copying the entire folder to a new location.

D. Save Configurations
If you have modified the Configuration files for Apache, MySQL, PHP, and PHPmyAdmin ( they will likely need adjustments. (You will have to figure that out) I save them AND the log files to a XAMMP-Move folder for myself. If you are going from an earlier version, this is 'doubly true'.

E. Un-install Services
If you made Apache, MySQL, FileZilla, Mercury or Tomcat into services, un-install/remove them from the Windows service manager via the Control Panel, or by way of the Command Window using the Windows 'sc delete' command.

F. Clean UP
OK, you should be ready for this - DELETE the current XAMPP folder.

G. Install
Now either:
Use the XAMPP Installer
Expand the .7z or .zip downloads. Copy the new 'xampp' folder to the location of your old installation.

H. Start the New XAMPP Install
Start up the Control Panel and debug the new installation before you bring anything back.

I. Check Up
CHECK (again) with any third party scripts to make sure they are compatible with Apache 2.4.2. Ditto check any changes you made to any of the Apache .conf files, some common features are deprecated - most notably this would be the 'NameVirtualHost' directive and 'most' versions simple authentication methods, including the .htaccess syntax. Make needed changes to the Apache .conf files php.ini and my.ini to get your install 'like the old one' or as close as you can come.

J. RE-install
Once everything is stable, REINSTALL any third party scripts and follow their instructions to 'restore' as if it were a 'server' move, because that is what you have just done.

Good Luck
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Re: another Apache not starting topic

Postby OWW » 17. July 2012 21:24

Thanks a bunch for the instructions (and for putting it all into a sticky)! Okay, looks like a clean reinstall is ineveitable, and I've never had any luck with MySQL backups but I'll give it a shot.

Consider this thread solved~
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Re: another Apache not starting topic

Postby JonB » 17. July 2012 21:42

@ OWW -

If you have had problems with MySQL backups, please consider trying the MySQL Workbench tool. It has a GUI, and is a 'local' application you install on your PC.

Also please feel free to post any MySQL backup questions in a new topic. Its often a steep learning curve, good luck

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