XAMPP Control Panel Apache has not started

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

XAMPP Control Panel Apache has not started

Postby Napsterwave11 » 04. July 2012 04:23

I have XAMPP 1.7.7 installed on windows 7. I have PHP and MySQL installed as well. On XAMPP Control Panel Apache has not started. I have that message all the times. When I try to run the test localhost i got nothing on my browser. I need some help, i'm very new to that.

[EDIT by Altrea: splitted from the "Beta 1.80 Windows may not start Apache - fixes" topic because it is not related to XAMPP Beta 1.80]
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Joined: 04. July 2012 04:17
Operating System: Windows 7

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